Luvin' Mi ole' Lady!!!!, Screen Printing, Skateboarding, Graphic Design, Rock N' Rollin', Skinny Dipping, Cock Fighting, Fencing, Puddle Jumping, Spear Chucking, Drug Slangin', Chee Chee Bangin', Pool Sharkin' & Hell Raising.....Corvinas are fun too. Brewing and drinking beer! Making sweet, sweet love!
Linda Lovelace, God bless her soul! Otis Redding. George W. Bush so I can bitch slap his dumb ass, YEE-HAW.
Rock N' Roll! Early Punk Rock! Garage! Bastard Dirty Blues! Proto Punk! MOD!, Soul!, More Rock N' Roll!...Powerpop, Blues, Vintage Country, Beat, Doo Wop, early R&B, 50's/60's frat stomp...Like I said, Rock N Roll, MOFOS!
Fried Green Tomatoes, Charlie is My Darling, The Big Lebowski, The Wanderers, Night Of The Living Dead, Evil Dead, Barfly, They Live, Repo Man, Team America, Thrashin', Clockwork Orange, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Tree's Lounge, Reservoir Dogs, Driving Miss Daisy, The Kids Are Alright, Quadrophenia, Hedwig And The Angry Inch, Sore Losers, Born Losers, Porky's, Mars Attacks, Royal Tenenbaums, Bottle Rocket, American Graffiti, Rushmore, Stand By Me, Animal House, Napolean Dynamite, Sin City, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, Raising Arizona, City of God, Dirty Gals on Dirty Bikes, Attack of the Flying Saucer Man Stabbers, Lazer-Eyed Ladies, Lisping Libbie and the One Eyed Procrastinators part II, Razzle Dazzle Up Yer Azzle! ......
Keith Richards Biography, Please Kill Me, Neutron Bomb, Ham On Rye, Catcher In The Rye, Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung, Hey Ho Let's Go: The Story Of The Ramones, Too Much Too Soon: New York Dolls, Have A Drink With Shane McGowen, Latino USA: A Cartoon History, Horizontal Action, Ugly Things, Black to Comm....READ: Letter To A Christian Nation by Sam Harris -- I say, Relgion is soooo passé, wake up you douche bags and smell reality!
Mighty Mouse, Captain Caveman, Popeye and especially my little brother..