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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My life is a series of disconnected vignettes with no rhyme or reason to them, their only common thread being me.
I drowned in a swimming pool once when I was very young. I remember seeing a beer can floating on top of the surface of the water and trying to walk out to reach it. The next thing I remember was waking up in an oxygen tent in the hospital by myself, very alone and scared. A neighborhood kid heard me splashing in the pool, dragged me from the bottom of it and gave me CPR. I owe my life to him.
In high school, I was mugged at a donut shop by a group of gang members. No cops came to our aid, and to this day I still harbor a grudge against tasty round circles of doughy delectibility.
My apartment was once raided by cops looking for someone else. As they tore the place apart, they kept issuing dire warnings against us for the "big bag of marijuana" we had supposedly stashed away. We had no idea of what he was talking about until they were about to leave, and the lead detective tried to enter a freezer bag of catnip (still in the store container it came in) as evidence. We thought it was funny; they got excited at the possibilities of using catnip in drug busts.
There's more to me, but I really don't feel like sharing anything else here. Ask, though, and you shall receive.

My Interests

World of Warcraft, Paintballing, Mountain Biking, collecting Roman denarii.

I'd like to meet:

Looking to meet mostly old friends I've long since lost touch with. Reconnecting to people in our past gives us a sense of hope for the future, and makes the present well worth living. Other than that, I really have no expectations.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Desyn Masiello, Miguel Migs, Marques Wyatt, Plump DJ's, DJ Icey, Huda Hudia, Simply Jeff, Madame Mercury, Baby Anne, Roger Sanchez.

My Blog

haven't written in 4 months... update

Fo everyone who's written me in the past couple of months - don't feel bad if I didn't respond to you. I have all been neglecting you equally, lol.My back feels like my life, at times. Right now, it's...
Posted by phelix on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 08:28:00 PST

A not-so-Happy New Year for us Dogs

So 2005 came and went rather quickly for me, and 2006 is now here.  Unfortunately for me, 2006 will be a year of bad luck for me, or so Chinese astrologers say.  Considering this year was a ...
Posted by phelix on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 10:57:00 PST

It's hard to be in a holiday mood when you're at war w/ your neighbors

My neighbors and I in our new building fight all the time... just not in an obvious manner. When Shanny and I were looking to move, we just wanted to move - so we took the first place that looked hal...
Posted by phelix on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:37:00 PST

Autumn: Season of Change

Traditionally, fall is the season of change - the summer sun fades, trees begin to shed their golden-hued leaves, and the nights grow longer and colder in preparation for the upcoming winter.  An...
Posted by phelix on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 09:35:00 PST

Blogs are the debbil

Blogging has always been somewhat of a love/hate type of thing for me... although part of me loves to jot down my thoughts and ideas, part of me feels silly for doing so - and even sillier when people...
Posted by phelix on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:49:00 PST