Integrity Is The Key profile picture

Integrity Is The Key

Positive Approach and More, INC

About Me

This profile was edited with Editor
Do you or someone you know want to make up to $10,000 or more a month as a loan officer? I can provide you information on how to get registered for training online. I can also assist with finding the closest office for you to work and train out of. It will be totally up to you if you want to work from home or out of an office. I work for Nations Funding Source and we have offices in EVERY state. My business number is 314-558-0379 leave me your name and phone number along with the best time to call you. Leaving your time zone will be helpful as well. If you or someone is interested in obtaining a new home, construction, or commercial loan send them my way or forward the information. We also refinance current loans all credit considered. Now on the laid back tip. I'm about being real. Some people can't handle a secure and complete woman such as myself. I at times have a very aggressive attitude but I can mellow when appropriate. Not looking to meet any one particular person especially for dating etc... Most of my true friends and they are only about 4, know the real me inside and out. I know and have all types of associates and can relate to them on their own individual level. It takes all types of people and their potential to make the world go round. I don't have patience for the "BS" it's not me, won't ever be me. If people would just be themselves and not fake, alot could be accomplished!!! Moving onI love music all types. I love to sing have done so since 1979. Very energetic person, must be I have two daughters at home, ages 14 and 11. I love to shop ( shoes, clothes) and help individuals reach their own personal fitness/financial goals through structured individualized attention with a Postive Approach! Eventually I will retire to the islands. Virgo
You are shy at first, and because of that, it is hard for you to find lots of random sex partners. You are very intelligent and very into sex. You will only have sex with clean people, because you are afraid of getting an STD. You are also very kinky and imaginative in the sack. Your partners always have a hard time keeping up with you. Sex matches: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio
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My Interests

Physical Fitness, Realestate, Self empowerment, Financial freedom, Singing, Dancing, People who possess integrity, not talking about it , living it.
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: Unattentive Drivers
2: People without a morals
3: People with no self esteem
Three people who make me laugh:
1: The Girls
2: Reggie
3: Ralph
Three Things I love:
1: Jesus
2: My Girls
3: Freedom
Three Things I hate:
1: Waiting on People
2: Quitters
3: Go Getters
Three things I don't understand:
1: Procrastination
2: Complainers
3: Hanger On's
Three things on my desk:
1: Speakers
2: Papers
3: Pens
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Poppin' Gum
2: Reviewing a resume
3: Listening to Music
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Be a blessing to Someone else
2: Be True to my ownself
3: Love Hard
Three things I can do:
1: Play the Violin/Viola
2: Sing
3: participate in 3 or more conversations at once
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Crazy-funny, not crazy Psychotic
2: Aggressive/Abrupt
3: Chill mode
Three things I can't do:
1: Nothing is impossible
2: Nothing is impossible
3: Nothing is impossible
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I'd like to meet:

Halle Berry, Janet Jackson, Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin ( I did once but it was so long ago) Whitney Houston, Jill Scott, India. Arie, Musiq, Bishop T. D. Jakes, The Goss brothers, Ce-Ce Winans, Denzel Washington, Raven, Karen Clark Sheard, Tyler Perry, Jill Scott, Al Jareau, Will Downing, Oprah Winfrey... width="425" height="350" ..


Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Rap, Alternative, Rock, Pop


9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)

This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this link on!World Trade Center WTC twin dowers controlled demoltion thermate thermite explosions 9/11 911 9-11 september 11 11th truth conspiracy theory theories theorist george bush dick cheney donald rumsfeld paul wolfowitz doctring PNAC project for a new american century NORAD FAA FBI CIA NSA cutter charges molton steel WTC7 building 7 larry silverstein pull it BYU physics professor steven jones loose change alex jones NIST pentagon flight 77 missile flight 93 shanksville PA lets let's roll put options gold emma e. booker elementary jersey girls Girl Interrupted, Malcolm X, The BenchWarmers, Any Will Farrell movie, Harlem Nights, Kings of Comedy, Life, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, The Pursuit of Happyness


Lifetime Channel, HBO Channel, Showtime, CourTV, Boxing, Boxing, Boxing!!! NiP/Tuck (FX) Comedy Central


Rich dad Poor Dad, A Piece of , Don't Make a Black Woman take her Earrings Off.


Coleen M. Smith,RIP Martha Ransom,RIP Cicely Tyson, Tyler Perry, Trianda S. Hopkins, Taylor L. Smith, Shawn Guy-Pitts, Wyatt Greenlee, Jr.

My Blog

I'm Fuckin PIssssssssssssssed!

I be damn..... Have I been tricked all this time and didn't know it?  I put my self out there I admit, I should've been cautious but hey  what can I say, you only live this life once.  ...
Posted by SHILOH-MYYYY PEACE on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:46:00 PST

Why ????

Why do we wait on people to make changes in our life??? Why do we stay on these jobs knowing we have plateued? Why do we make excuses on why we haven't went after our own personal goals??? Why if you ...
Posted by SHILOH-MYYYY PEACE on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:00:00 PST

Kids/ School Shooting

I want to talk to you all tonight about ll this sudden re-emergence of school shootings.  I know I don't come on here and post my thoughts that ofen but this needs to be addressed.  Somethin...
Posted by SHILOH-MYYYY PEACE on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:13:00 PST

Tomorrow is My Birthday!

Hey Y'all,   Act like you know me for real and send me a nice birthday wish!!! In one hour it will officially be 8/27 and I will turn 32 yep that's what I said. I'm getting better not older. I ha...
Posted by SHILOH-MYYYY PEACE on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:13:00 PST

Tomorrow is My Birthday!

Hey Y'all,   Act like you know me for real and send me a nice birthday wish!!! In one hour it will officially be 8/27 and I will turn 32 yep that's what I said. I'm getting better not older. I ha...
Posted by SHILOH-MYYYY PEACE on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:13:00 PST