charlie versus the world profile picture

charlie versus the world

I'm the most genuine dude you'll ever meet.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile GeneratorI'm a pretty rad dude that has done some pretty rad shit.I am a nerd to the core. Take your dirt bikes and shove them up ur ass. I'm not one of the cool swank ass chick magnets. I cant dance worth a shit. I build computers, play video games, listen to fast music, sell women's shoes, go to college (yeah haha), and lift weights. Putting a smile on the face of my friends is what I do best.

My Interests

Friends, Body Building,nutrition, Video Games, Super Heros, Art, Martial Arts, Learning, Deep Philosophical Conversation(I try), Doing random things, Information(history, physics, anything)Just generally pwning noobs is how i get things done.

I'd like to meet:

I already have amazing friends, but if you wanna be added to the roster then lemme know.


This isnt i enjoy faster music consisting of punk, hc, metal, some poppy stuff thrown in there for a little spice. I also like electronic crap and symphony.


My Parents, Bruce Lee, My Friends, Brad "THE PIT" Pitt, Captain America, Link...and Alexis.

My Blog

A change for the better <3333

       I know I am already a "unique" fellow without being under the influence but when I drink it tends to either focus me into a magnified beam of radness or turn me in...
Posted by charlie versus the world on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:31:00 PST

To Her

To Her      By Charlie Myers They held each others bodies warm, to signify the love they'd sworn, he was hers and she was his, nothing else came close to this, But underneath...
Posted by charlie versus the world on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST