STAR WARS, all of them!, Donnie Darko, Etneral sunshine of a spotless mind, Harold & Maud, Closer, Holiday Inn, Basquit, Ghost world, quinton movies ( kill bill 1&2, swingers, resivior dogs ) kubrick( Lolita, Clockwork orange, shinning ) daron aronosky ( pie, requirum for a dream )movies directed or produced by Baz Luhrman, alice in wonderland ( about any version of it ) willywanka and the chocolate factory ( original ) Harry Potter ( i have turned so many people on to harry potter they should be paying me!), fight club or any film with edward norton in it,bunedock saints, edward scissor hands, nightmare befor christmas, any thing from the mind of tim burton, constantine, graden state, the notebook, lolita, the smokers, tart ( any thing with dominquic swain in it , and natlie portman ) the classics like lyabrith, never ending story, the dark cyrstal, willow, any thing jim henson or geroge lucas has touched. Any adam sandler movie. i like movies on history, or greek mythology ( i love homers odessy, alexander, gladiator, troy, more ) i like scary movies that hold some truth ( movies based on exercisms or demons scare the shit out of me) i like just about any movie, except for unrealistic action flics, though i like a few ( like the italian job, gone in 60 seconds. ) there are quit a few obscure movies i like, but no need in naming off films that most people never heard of or seen, you'll just think im on crack and making things up, I LOVE MOVIES ok, i have like over 1000 burned, which reminds me, house of a 1000 corpse, the devils rejects, saw, ok if i keep going this is never going to stop, if you can name it, i have watched it, if i havent watched it ill love you for showing me something i havent see! V for Vendetta... just went and saw it, loved it, and had to put it up here.
anime/ Japanese entertainment is awesome
random: i ♥ midori
those things that are rectangular, and when you open them there are little black things called words
to many to name,picutre of books shelf coming soon.
people that i wouldnt mind influnencing me
My brother, Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Portman, any artist or person for that matter who lived before the renaissance or through a time of persecution.