The Ugly Crew profile picture

The Ugly Crew


About Me

Friends and loyalty have a value that you cannot put a price on. Having friends that you can trust with anything, creates a unique feeling of happiness that not everyone has the opportunity to experience. The Ugly Crew is the story of this distinct relationship with a tight group of childhood friends. But what is the meaning of the "Ugly" crew. In our present time, lots of words have evolved and grown their own definitions. No one ever thought that the word "Chronic" would have a refrence to marijuana. In the eyes of today's society ugly people are obese, unarttractive, foul, or rude. Ugliness in the eyes of the UC takes on a different interpretation. They do not believe that being ugly has anything to do with appearence. Being ugly to the UC is about accepting yourself for who you are and keeping an open mind. Here is a quote from one of the members "If you think yourself as ugly, then no criticism, opinion, or judgment toward you will ever bother you." Apperance means nothing. Why do popular kids in High school always look and dress the same? They are sheep following the crowd. Impressing everyone around them and getting people to like them is their main goal. These people are labeled by the UC as "Pretty Boys." PB's have big egos and naturally only think about themselves. Another UC member states; "Pretty boys are fake, they would run if a friend was in a fight, and they wouldn't share thier last piece of bread if they were both starving." With the new Rap today, it seems that the content has drastically changed. Subjects like reality, struggles, and racism have been traded for fantasies, parties, bling, and cars. If you are looking for some substance in lyrics, you have found a group that remembers its roots. You will not find the UC rapping about cars and girls. Their lyrics are as deep as their philosophies about life and ugliness. Being ugly is a way of life which is refelected in your attitude and everyday living. Your life, goals, and mentality show the truth. Are you ugly? I know I am. .. -- --Creative Commons License--
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License ... -- --/Creative Commons License--.. -- --

My Interests


Member Since: 8/16/2006
Band Website: Request "Breathe Rap" @
Band Members: The UGLY album avaliable at Hungry Ear in Kailua. Request our new song "Breathe Rap" by calling 216-539-7125 @
Influences: God, the Devil, our mothers, some of our fathers, our children, our family & friends,Bruce Chan & Julone Kamei R.I.P, DMX, Tupac, Eazy-E, Dr.Dre, Ice Cube, DJ Quik, Eminem,OutkasT, Devin the Dude,Bruce Lee, Bob Marley, IZ, Guns N Roses, Louis Armstrong, Tony Montana, Martin Scorsese, Conan O'brien,Isley Brothers,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Mike Tyson,Jet Li, Jackie Chan,Muhamed Ali,Jordan,Magic Johnson,Quentin Tarentino,Mel Gibson (Braveheart),In Living Color, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler,Pol Pot,Ghengas Khan,Mary & Dana Lundquist,Pastor Roller,Pops from next door(R.I.P.), the Streets, the Hustlers, the Pimps, the Gangsters, the Italian Mafia, the Japanese Mafia...
Sounds Like: I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Recorded in a Scion XB.
Record Label: Contact us if you want a CD.
Type of Label: None