Art, Archery, Clay, Photography, Drawing, Painting, Design, Hunting, Guns & Knives, Weapons, History, ~*~Poison~*~, Baking, Cooking, Inventing, Building, Loving, Laughing not Crying, Walking not Running, Swimming not floating, Floating not drowning, Drowning not breathing.
Carsten Norgaard, Tori Amos, Trent Reznor, Sean Bean, Rutger Hauer, Anyone sharing common interests and is a good person ~*~*~Dead People following~*~*~ Michael Wittmann, Cleopatra, Marc Anthony, and Julius Caesar, Augustus Octavian Caesar, Claudius, Caligula, Adolf Hitler, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig Van Bethoveen, Frederic Chopin, any of my Ancestors ... My Father again someday
Scanners, STP, METRIC, Emily Haines, Portishead, Tori Amos, Moloko, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, David Bowie, Rammstein, Yann Tiersen, The Killers, The Fiery Furnaces, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, Supertramp, Alan Parsons Project, Rush, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Legends of Zelda music, Mahler, Samuel Barber
Amelie, 'I, Claudius', Dead Man on Campus, To Catch a Thief, Jane Eyre, Swing Kids, Flesh+Blood, Schindler's List, Most anything Masterpiece Theatre, HitchHiker's Guide to The Galaxy, The City of Lost Children, Independent Films, The Witches of Eastwick, Becket, Caligula(Penthouse)
Blackadder - Rowan Atkinson - BBC's The Office, British Men Behaving Badly, Father Ted, Absolutely Fabulous, Are you being served?, Keeping up appearances, The Thin Blue Line, Fawlty Towers
Collections of Poetry and Short Stories by the great Edgar Allan Poe, The Iliad and The Odyssey, American Revolution, Civil War and WWII reference books
My omma.