-A-N-D-R-E-W- profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

G r e e t i n g s ! Well let me tell you a little about my self, my name is Andrew and I have just recently relocated to the beautiful city of San Francisco California. I would say that I am a very open minded person and have experienced many things within my 19 years of life. And I realize there is so much more to look forward to, as I grow older. I have encountered so many wonderful people that have helped shape me into the individual I am today. As of now I am very proud of the person I have become. I have learned that life really isn’t about how much money we make, or who drives the better car. Life is about making a positive difference in the lives of others. I realize that I am a very blessed to have meet the people in my life thus far. I feel life is similar to a road. Yes there are speed bumps, but if you press forward you will eventually overcome anything you put your mind towards. One thing that I have noticed in life is that love is incredibly important to my everyday existence. My views on love have dramatically changed as I travel on this “road” we call life. It was actually not to long ago, that I truly felt love was nothing more than a mixture of chemicals in the human brain. However I have realized that science does not have all the answers to life’s many mysteries.There are so many things that I haven’t yet discovered in my journey, But I am looking forward to what the world has to offer. Peace.

My Interests

Ive probably been in Your mouth. . . .

I'd like to meet:

-Tom Ford -Hillary Clinton -Nicole Richie -Donatella Versace -Nancy Pelosi

My Blog


Life is very unexpected. I am always learning different key points insurviving this awkward yet amazing journey. Have you ever realizedthat you have everything except the one thing that you truly want...
Posted by -A-N-D-R-E-W- on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:14:00 PST