purveying of deadly sins, refusing to ever act like a grown-up, the livejournal, wishing I were pretty, wanting to be like Henry Miller when I grow up, Discordianism, tarot cards, musicals, JML's Dawn, DC Comics, the macabre, stereotypical teenage goth things, religious studies of all manner, reading bookses, tattoos, piercings, dying hair, comic and anime conventions, thunderstorms, /b/, wine, women, song, Halloween, voodoo, Faustian legend, Egypt, good and evil, pro-choice, feminism, hockey fights, unconventional beauty, gender and queer studies, the Pagan agenda, androgyny, the King of All Cosmos, virtue and vice, soccer
I'm principly always on the lookout for new acquaintances, bosom buddies and confidantes.
I would like to resurrect and meet Thomas Aquinas so I could kick him in the nads.
Historical figures I would like to meet and have sex with: Christopher Marlowe, Hans Holbein the Younger, Aphra Behn, John Milton (my theory is that he had really bad sex), John Wilmot Second Earl of Rochester
Current figures I would like to meet and have sex with:
Vincent D'Onofrio, Meat Loaf (Eiffel tower?)
Meat Loaf, Smashing Pumpkins, Mindless Self Indulgence, Rasputina, Type O Negative, The Dresden Dolls, Ani Difranco, Sarah Brightman, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, George Michael, Linda Eder, Green Day, Judy and Mary, Nightwish, Tori Amos, The Pillows, L'arc~en~ciel, Malice Mizer, Psycho le Cemu, RENT, Phantom of the Opera, Jekyll & Hyde, System of a Down, Liz Phair, Junior Senior, Gorillaz, Janis Joplin, Belle and Sebastian, Bif Naked, Beastie Boys, Lacuna Coil, Bikini Kill, The Postal Service, Katie Melua, Cat Power, The Bowmans, Neko Case, Imogen Heap, Futuristic Sex Robotz, Marilyn Manson, Amy Winehouse, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Regina Spektor, David Bowie, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Belle & Sebastian, GWAR, Slayer, Michael Buble, Pat Benetar, Heart, Dethklok, Switchblade Symphony, Placebo, Broken Social Scene, Mates of State, Sweeney Todd, Into The Woods
"Manos" Hands of Fate
LOST; The Venture Bros; Law & Order: Criminal Intent; The It's Alive Show; METALOCALYPSE; Full Metal Alchemist; Full Metalocalypse; Robot Chicken; Futurama; Angel; Home Movies; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; The X Files; It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
All of them. All of the books.
Demian; A Clockwork Orange; Harry Potter; Memoirs of a Geisha; 1984; Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress; most anything by Neil Gaiman; Kafka On The Shore; everything else by Haruki Murakami; Salem's Lot; The Phantom of the Opera; Faust & all Faustian legend; most anything by Henry Miller; most anything by D.H. Lawrence, the crazy bastard; Wuthering Heights; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Lucky; Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; This Side of Paradise; Siddhartha; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Cunt; White Oleander; Doctor Faustus (Marlowe); Tamburlaine (also Marlowe); oodles and oodles of obscure Renaissance drama; Medieval lit; Renaissance lit; Joseph Michael Linsner's Dawn; Sharon Olds's poetry; Eats, Shoots & Leaves; Great Expectations; most anything by Alan Moore; Angels in America; Jim Balent's Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose; many many more comic books; the works of Lord Byron
Clara Bow, Aphra Behn, Christipher Marlowe, John Wilmot Second Earl of Rochester, Captain Planet, Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Oscar Wilde, Ani DiFranco, Tori Amos, John Booty, Lynne Truss, Walt Whitman, people who make great music, my mom, Jerry Orbach