jessica profile picture


If life gives you lemons, make some pie!

About Me

Well I suppose I should edit this once again.. Hmm lets see. Currently attempting to live every day to the fullest. Getting to know my neighbors, friends and family. Discerning between those that are true/real people and those that are fakers. I like to laugh a lot and take every opportunity to do so, even if it means I am being terribly inappropriate. Things that make me happy: Driving in my car in the middle of winter with all of the windows down, the heat blasting, belting one of many fave tunes within my vocal range. Kusmi tea from Russia. Playing soccer (well defense, recently got "promoted" to mid field, not happy about this.) Dancing around my apartment to Kanye. Receiving mail of any kind but specifically post cards. Making just about anything.. making out included. Canning just about anything, giving gifts, helping friends, helping anyone, walking, hiking, biking, running around the lake, sushi, Home of good BBQ, the taco bus, bubble tea, sushi bars, netflix,, Knitting, Sewing, Yogurt making, Writing, Reading, figuring out the good things that are hidden in the bad, meeting strangers and interesting people, my Mary lamp, playing accordion, traveling anywhere, the airport, my cats, making mixed CD's, being the only one in the movie theatre, k I am done writing this, that's all for now.

My Interests

Dancing, making lists and refer to the Happy list in the about me section.

I'd like to meet:

Creative types that are not stuck up or stuck on themselves for that matter.. I like em funny... I like em spazzy too.. like me.. Great now I sound like an ego maniac...


The Radio Department, Midlake, Rufus Wainright, LCD Soundsystem, Snowden, Grizzly Bear, OMD, Blonde Redhead, Broadcast, The Album Leaf, Jon Brion, Anything having to do with Kevin Shields, Devotchka, Band of Bees, Cat Power, M83, Air, The Chap, Boards of Canada, Seefeel, Doves, Elbow, Elliott Smith, Kings of Convenience, Magnetic Fields, David Bowie, Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Polyphonic Spree, Claudine Longet, Pulp, Belle and Sebastian, Michael Nyman, francois de rubaix, Abba, The Unicorns, Tindersticks, Stereo Total, Stars, Slowdive, My Morning Jacket, De La Soul, Autolux, Julie Cruise, Air, Duran Duran, And I blame my mother for this one... Hall and Oates. I could go on forever but I will end it with H and O.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Wet Hot American Summer, Angels in America, Personal Velocity, Waiting For Guffman, Lost in Translation, Adaptation, The end of the Affair, 28 Days Later, Magnolia, Sexy Beast, Sid and Nancy, Valley Girl, Metropolitan, Trust (Hal Hartley) Montenegro, The Lost Boys, Donnie Darko, Swimming With Sharks, Lovely and amazing, Wild at Heart, Down by Law, I heart Huckabees, Royal Tannenbaums, Girl 6, Lots of Woody Allen.. (Annie Hall, Manhattan, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Hannah and her Sisters) Peter Greenaway films (Pillow Book, the cook the thief her wife his lover). Recently saw: The squid and the Whale... The last film I saw that I liked: Babel


Any fictional novel about dis-functional families. Middlesex, Virgin Suicides, White Teeth, Valley of the Dolls, Man and boy/ Man and Wife, Pretty much anything by Tama Janowitz, Personal Velocity, Shipping News, Jitterbug Perfume, Holidays on ice, Naked, Sedaris blah blah, Flannery o' conner short stories, Granta readers, Blink, Tipping point, Mcsweeny's...

My Blog

Crab apples/Cockroaches/Amish

Well, I was really hoping to write this a week and two days ago because I was really into the idea of blogging every other Monday. I guess I dropped the ball on that one...It has been very busy so I ...
Posted by jessica on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:18:00 PST

Yet another blog entry, perhaps I will make this a habit.

Well looks like I am blogging once again! The past couple of weeks have proven to be somewhat eventful. I start a new contract tomorrow at Cranium as associate toy producer and I am very very excite...
Posted by jessica on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:15:00 PST

First Blog on Myspace, it's a big day!!

Well, I was having a spectacular weekend until I woke to this news!! rwinHe died doing what he loved and that is a beautiful thing.This weekend was...
Posted by jessica on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:05:00 PST