Movies, hanging out with friends, making new friends, driving around wasting a lot of gas haha, watching tv, going to the gym, playing hockey, swimming, playing basketball, shopping, and the list goes on.
You know i don't know who i want to meet now. More friends would always be good, you can't have enough of that. But i really prefer making true friends now. You know the type that you can hang out everyday if you wanted too and everything cool, not acquaintances, if you know what i mean. Im down to meet and chill with anyone that captures my interest, cause if im hanging out with you, must be i like/get along with you lol. If not, then why am i hanging out with you? Guess you have to find out about that one...and if you now think im an ass...hahah, i dont really care b/c i guess you don't really know me then lol.
Almost everything.
ooo, TV my life=) Especially cartoons lol. I think i watch to much of it, but who can't hate watching it
When it comes to books i only read the books the classes make you read, but the only book i'm reading right now is "Please Understand Me II". Its such a good personality book. Good book to understand your friends hehe.=)
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