:~WE ArE As OnE T.R.P-~: profile picture

:~WE ArE As OnE T.R.P-~:

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am very delighted that you stopped by to know a little about me. I have been born and raised in the Bay area. I consider myself as such a social butterfly and love being in the company of positive people. It is all about strong determination, drive, excellence which will achieve success. I strongly believe though hard work and perseverance you are rewarded in life with blessings of what you put in… if it is righteous and of God.. The bible says; “Whom God has join together, let NO man put asunder.” Sometimes we allow self to determine who is for us, instead of allowing our step to be ordered by God.From Terry: When I met Roxanne, I knew in my heart that there was a connection that I never felt before. Our love is oh so strong and unconditional. We truly are inseparable and have a bond that can not be broken. God has blessed us in many ways than I could ever imagine. “Thank you Lord, for bringing us together and allowing us to share our life together by becoming one, it TRULY means the world to us.” God is first, in our mind, heart and soul.From Roxanne: Terry and I do our best to stay humble and treat others as we want to be treated. LOVE, RESPECT and HONESTY are key elements which creates strong relationships that will last a lifetime. Wouldn’t you agree? We are about “Keeping it Real” always. Our style is very unique filled with originality and creativity, which allows us set new traditions in our life together. We both love so much. Our families are so dearest to us and we appreciate them inside and out Now we have two new blessings added to our family our twin boys. We give God ALL the glory for their arrival and blessing us by placing our little Angels in our lives.So keep your “Eyes on the Prize”(meaning God first…..because Terry and Roxx sure will without a doubt....Amen!

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