i like to spend time with my family. my husband my 2 kids and my 2 step kids... YEA i'm a step mother... LOL believe it.. it was hard on 1st but i've learn to love them like they are my own. I love to read, watch TV and sometimes i'm cool with just staying home.
A b 0 u T m 3
Full Name:.:: Shamona Michelle Lavallier Henry
Age:.:: 28
Birthplace:.:: Jennings
Current Location:.:: Lafayette
Siblingz:.:: 2 sisters
Screen Name:.:: Mrs Henry --Optimistic
Hair Color:.:: Red at the moment
Eye Color:.:: Beautifu Brown
Height:.:: 5'4
Weight:.:: 146
Tattoo's:.:: none yet
Piercing's:.:: 5
Best Girl Friend(s):.:: Kenya i guess LOL
Best Guy Friend(s):.:: my husband spencer
Funniest:.:: Clement
Craziest:.:: me LOL
Sexiest:.:: ME LOL
Smartest:.:: ME LOL
Nicest:.:: Mary
Most Athletic:.:: dont know
Most Recent:.:: Most recent what?
.:Love Life
Single:.:: Married
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:.:: HUSBAND
If so, who:.::
Do u love them:.:: yea
Fav. thing about him/her:.:: smile
Color:.:: blue
Food:.:: seafood
TV Show(s):.:: 1st 48
Car:.:: Tahoe
Drink:.:: coke
Sport:.:: Basketball i guess
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:.:: arms
Movie:.:: rocky
.:Who's the last
Person you called:.:: Carolyn
Person who called you:.:: Spencer from work
Person you hugged:.:: Braylon
Person you kissed:.:: BRAYLON
Person you touched:.:: brayon
Person you cried to:.:: me
Person who made you cry:.:: husband
Person(s) you hung out with:.:: Carolyn and Jim
Person who told you they loved you:.:: Spencer
Person you fought with:.:: Spencer
Person who text you:.:: Kenya
Person you fell in love with:.:: Spencer
.:Have you ever
Been Drunk:.:: i guess
Smoked:.:: yep
Took Drugs:.:: priscription
Been Beaten Up:.:: nope
Beat Someone Up:.:: yep
Skinny Dipped:.:: nope
Gone Swimming in a White T:.:: nope
Played Strip Poker:.:: strip UNO
Laughed So Hard You Cried:.:: yep
Been Dumped:.:: i've always done the dumping
Dumped Someone:.:: yes see above answer
Been Used:.:: nope not that i know of
Been in Love:.:: yep
Been Hit On by Someone to Old:.:: yep
Made Out In A Car:.:: yep
Shoplifted:.:: nope
Tried To Strip When Drunk:.:: nope
Been Kicked Out of A Mall/Store:.:: nope
Been In Trouble With the Police:.:: nope
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing:.:: yep
Broke Someone's Heart:.:: yep
Had Your Heart Broken:.:: kinda
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You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.
You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl.
How Girlie Are You?
I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet some old friends and new friends as well. Just as long as they are REAL,,, I cant stand fake people so if you have to lie and be unreal dont request me as a friend cause i'll let you know what i think of you...
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MY PEEPS......
My sisters Ana and Ashely (what it do) both of ya'll do what you do and dont get hurt doing it ...LOVE YA'll
Marye-- BKA Princess Misunderstood.. Girl even though i only know you on here and the phone.. it feels like i've known you 4 ever... i'm your shoulder and you're my should when needed... thatnk for being my MYSPACE BESTEST . Love you girl...
Mary, Chris and Cedric... OLD school friends from school... just shouting ya'll all we still cool..
ALL of my cousins on here ya'll know who you are.. Love ya'll
Naomi-- AKA Zydeco Princess.. you give great advice i have to shout you out girl... keep doing your zydeco thing.. to hell with the haters
Terri and Brandy --My -co workers.. ya'll are very cool ... so i had to shout you out too... see you @ work daily LOLif your name is not on here i havent for gotten dont be mad this shout out is for all those i didnt mention.....HOLLA!!!
what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)
Beyonce Youre sexy and know how to shake what your momma gave you!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
How to make a Shamona
5 parts anger
1 part ambition
1 part instinct
Method:Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
How to make a Spencer
5 parts mercy
5 parts brilliance
3 parts ego
Method:Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little emotion if desired!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
You scored as
Joan. Woohu!! You're a Joan!! You have the gift of giving and letting others know that you're there for them no matter what. You stay true to what you believe in and let no guy come in and take that away from you. You go grl!!
Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
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I listen to all types of music as long as it sounds good COOL
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The Color purple, Rocky 12345... I have a lot too many to name.
CSI miami (most def), CSI, 1st 48, How i met your Mother, House and anything that catches my attention, I'm not hard to please
What "Flavor of Love2" girl are you??
your Deelishis
your sexxii, and very nice untill some one gets on your nerves. Also you are very romantic and loved to be treated like a real woman!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
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I read A LOT of books, if the title sounds good i'll read it,
My dad David Wayne Lavallier AKA CHOO-CHOO RIP 4/19/60--11/07/04My mother Cheryl L LavallierI love you