yes things do interest me, thank you for asking href=" 9tL2ljb25zLw==" target="_blank"
seeing as I have moved to brisbane i would like to meet people here. People who like good musik and know where to find it. I want a good pub that has pale ale and a good snittie. Oh and people who are fun and lively and slightly odd. but beer does come out on top:)
from tech to alternative my scope is large, I like Krush and shadow as well as Tv on the radio and Augie march and there is oh so much in between. If I was to put down all the music here it'd just be a long list and you wouldn't care. Though I am listening to neutral milk hotel right now...
blade runner and brazil, 2001 and donny darko, um asian flixs as well as say newer films like the life aquatica, lost in translation oh god why can't i think of more? I see at least one a night. though Sunshine is looking good...
not much i do like except family guy, scrubs top gear and any good doco's
Peter F Hamilton( anything ) Lord of the rings, zen and the art of motorcycle maintanence, tao of poo (there happy dad?) was good, politicle books like reffer madness or fat nation by Eric Schlosser
danger mouse, yeah danger mouse is cool