things that r funny or have somthing funny surrounding them or r said in a funny way or place of humorous thots an ideas such as ........... i like funny things
id like 2 meet jim cary cuz he's the fukin man but i wouldnt mine meetin big bird er somthin like that i wanna meet George Bush (no offence 2 any hoo care) so i could kik em in the balls
good music im fukin tiered of bad music only the good shit 4 me such as rap but not fiddy cent and rock but not like cannible corps
fuck man hoo onestly cares wat movies i watch i mean honestly
yes i like telivision i love telivision ....... me love television
Ihate books... just like i hate yo face, i hate everathang, ive bin drinkin haterade, i hate my own cloths when im not wearin em IM A HATER!!
my heroes are J-dog and G-munny naw meeeen thay keep me breathin at night 4 sho and my dog's pretty hella cool