About Me
currently frozen of a motion.. e-motion and un-smitten.. once bitten, twice shy babe ....eye faint at the sight of static. pens paint needles.. all else? need-less .lesson? ON, it is ..the erratic in my at-tick. .......moving on.........and in ... i do .......often... an ammature organ engineer... engine-here.. inner-ear there .. fire-hair-head ....eye-face ...it burns.. blistered.. it bursts.. a thirst. im cursed.. in capital, close captioned ,capturing captains..eye sea..i said. busy hands + busy head = busy signal .....waste minus the "w" add a "p"+ haste = this place... eye paint ..anti-co-depend-dancy ....pro-dancy-myfancy... pistol whip your "gah-sip" ..blah + wah = nahh! anti-("scene" = redundant),, preoccupied producing the productive. actively people discard things.... poor thing gets new home my van 3rd hand.. im an octapus... a happy octapus = true... true . and minus the "e" .and add a "th".. . now it's fancy.. it tickles my fancy... im a fan ...see?.., honest-tea despite the humility is attractive to this Miss.... this twist i miss.. like a dieing flower or a rusted bike ....broken down ...broke and down ... down and out , out and over.. over.. roger roger............. moving on........... bikes are good ..... prefer the rusty over prestine... i am an all cycle sergeon , a uni-bi-tri.. cycle sergoen..... an eye-tried-sigh-killed sergeon..... Dr. M.C ......Miss.-see?-hammer ...im enamoured ...the cello makes me yell-oh..ah..sigh cry in my i ...things moves me... push and pull me... i swing from a string... like puppets in my heart tossing darts through my parts ....blah blah blah . sometimes i like to rhyme.. sometimes i cant help it..... rhyme like time... in circles.. insides out... upside down and backwards ...lie back-words add an "s" ..now insert in chest ...un-rest ...it spins this mess..... like a record... the verse once reversed.....? an emotion implosion =explosion of motion ....heart v/s head , ill draw pictures with words...you can see what i said...... um .. yes.... i suppose i might talk to much at times ... i walk.. into walls ... because i have a shy-nervous eye -patch-with locking latch leaking I from the corners of my sigh ..... oh yes.. moving on ....................candy breath, club shed, co-pilots, compolations, conspiracy theory, conspiring theories , creativity, cuddle core, dolls dotdotdot, mm.. drawing = yep duct tape, eat the music, embrace the boogie, ethel, exsisting, eye face, fix, floating in water, george orwell, gigi, grape soda, half full, heil pale, idol liberation, imploding, insomnia, intelligence, jesus jones, jinx, juice, kaylin, lipstick in my eye, liquid sky, metephores, mix, movies of my dreams, mr. pen, mrs. pen, multi-tasking, music, my camera , my family, my friends, my garage, my hands, my head, my holster, my roof poch , my shorty, my space,, sling shots, my van, o.c.d., only shade, optimism, i paint, passive, patience, i take pictures , i collect old photographs , and vintage buttons , gloves yes ma'am antiques , sewing machines, sort of, i have 5 , hmm soon i will sell sewing machines.....possibly...... maybe . it's all gravy baby .. physical procrastination,... sleep deprivation, visual conversation, space, potatoe gun, rice pudding, rust remover, science, sharpies, sissors, sitting on my roof, skirts with pockets, , sling shots, spandex!!, swimming at night, the beach at night... anywhere at night sun=no thank you , mocha frappachino= thank you, wearing gloves, t.k.f.y., teachers, the act of disappearing, the agency, the brothers, the color clear, the forbidden zone, the horror, the record collection, theory of guts, tools, umbrellas, uno por vida, vintage photos, , w.s.burroughs, water, wave of cave, wet cardboard boxes, writing backwards. and moving on....and on.....and on .... and on...