Fighting, Computers, Pit Bulls, Video games, Movies, Reading, Programing, Training, Break dancing, Djing, Producing.
MMA/NHB Fighters, Geeks, Female MMA/NHB fighters, People who are true to themselvs and others, b-boys/girls, Pit Bull lovers, music lovers, Popozuda's,
Im into hip hop, punk, house, d&b, acid jazz, jazz, soul, ska, rock, classical, classic r&b, brazillian, samba, latin
City of god, The Smashing Machine, Hero, Kung fu hustle, The freshest kids, Beatstreet
adopt your own virtual pet!
The Spook who sat by the door, Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?, Fighting for life, The truth about the american pit bull terrier,
Everyone that ive bled with, Rolled with, trained with, danced with, the people who got me into BMX (Tony, Scott, Pat, Scooter, Jamie, Chad, Nate, Erin), Space for believeing in me when i didnt believe in myself, My Mom (Nellie) All my dogs (pit bulls) and myself