I'm interested in finding the article that goes with my headline. Where did this man find these elusive DVD's?
Anyone who was involved in or knows anyone that was involved in the production of the films The Country Bears or Bring it On.
I like the likes of Weezer, Beck, Coldplay, the songs Dave Matthews played when I was in high school, They Might Be Giants, and Michael Keaton Sings the Hits.
DVD worthy movies: Adaptation, Alladin, American Beauty, Annie Hall, As Good As it Gets, Back to the Future, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Barton Fynk, continued About Me: ahem... Being John Malcovich, Big, The Big Chill, Bonnie and Clyde, Broadcast News, Castaway, Catch Me if You Can, Celebrity, Chasing Amy, Chinatown, Clerks, Dark City, Die Hard, Donnie Brasco, Edward Scissorhands, The Empire Strikes Back, Everyone Says I Love You, Fargo, The 5th Element, Forrest Gump, Full Metal Jacket, The Game, Ghostbusters, Ghostworld, Godfather Parts 1-3, Good Will Hunting, Goodfellas, The Graduate, Hannah and Her Sisters, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Insider, Life is Beautiful, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Lost in Translation, Manhattan, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Memento, Miller's Crossing, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Nightmare Before Christmas, North by Northwest, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, Out of Sight, Pulp Fiction, Psycho, Punch Drunk Love, Raging Bull, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Rain Man, Rear Window, Resevoir Dogs, Return of the Jedi, Road to Perdition, Robin Hood (Disney version), The Royal Tannenbaums, Rushmore, Scent of a Woman, The Sixth Sense, Snatch, Star Wars, The Sting, Sunset Boulovard, The Truman Show, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Wonder Boys.
Books I like that come to mind: Slaughterhouse Five, Watchmen, Maus, Out of Sight, Dark Knight Returns, Blankets, The Sound and the Fury, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and the phenominal read that is Getting the Sex Out of the Way. Only fools dislike that masterwork of ink on paper. Fools I say.Fools.