Really anything that arouses in me a state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something.
Telly Savalas. And Orca. Oh, and the guy who invented the Flowbee. I mean, c'mon, what could be more natural than the marriage of a vacuum cleaner and hair clippers? I just can't believe nobody thought of it sooner.
A little bit of a lot. And Das Beubs.
Lost In Translation, The Big Lebowski, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Beautiful Girls, Wonderboys, Rushmore, A Fish Called Wanda, Munich, Gattaca, Fight Club, In the Bedroom, Babel, 25th Hour, Stange Brew, Zoolander, anything John Hughes, Team America and last, but certainly just about the most... Better Off Dead. There are too many others to name, and they never come to mind when I have to think of them.
Hmmmm... the "Boob Tube". Not so much into the Telly these days, but when I am watching it tends to be late evening and the dial (sure, my digital cable box has a dial) tends to be set to Comedy Central. I do enjoy some Chapelle's Show, Southpark, Daily Show, etc. TV viewing on fall Sundays is dedicated to football. Feel it. Feel the vibration. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
Are for people that don't have the attention span to sit through movies.
...the new, hit NBC television series.