little known fact: Hitler loved watermelons!
Exploding Chicken
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okay, we here at are essentially Libertarians. this means we believe in very little government, very low taxes, responsible use of personal firearms and responsible drug use by persons who are so inclined (the word "responsible" naturally precludes combining the last two recreations simultaneously. this is why we ourselves do not use drugs!) in other words,
it is true that some people cannot "handle" freedom. that's why they invented jail. i say, lock those motherfuckers up so i can do whatever. as Libertarians, we believe that behavior should not be proscribed merely because it is arguably self-destructive or self-injurious. only when one endangers or infringes upon the rights of others should they be subject to legal punishment.
* if i cannot drink or smoke in a public place, or even play poker with my friends, this is NOT the "Land of the Free".
* if i cannot carry a weapon for self-defense, or for the security of my loved ones, because some people are afraid that i might use it improperly, this is NOT the "Home of the Brave".
* if i am not free to paint my house ANY FUCKING COLOR I PREFER, this is NOT America.
there are plenty of worthy causes for college-aged kids like ourselves to become involved with. some of them, like "environmentalism", are being done to death, while others, like "preserving our dying freedom", are being ignored nearly altogether. i find it likely that ivory-tower academia has influenced this generation profoundly, and that the well-meaning philosophy of liberalism has become diluted by partisan politics to the extent that truth has become thrown by the wayside. both parties are guilty of perpetuating this ongoing mudslinging match that is comparable to a cold war. it has been said that the first casualty of any war is truth.
so if you're as creeped out by the group-think mentality of both parties as we are; if you really dislike being told what to do; if you can look at the pickled corpse of Vladimir Lenin without getting teary-eyed, but at the same time also believe that Jesus has better things to do than go around eternally damning marijuana smokers, perhaps you should join the Libertarian party. perhaps you should join...