The Santa Barbara Quire of Voyces was founded in 1993 by Nathan J. Kreitzer, Director of Choral and Vocal Activities at Santa Barbara City College. The annually auditioned volunteer group, made up of professional singers from the Central coast area, is dedicated to the highest quality performances of the sacred choral music of the Renaissance and 20th Century, in historic settings. It gives ten concerts annually, and has been featured several times on The First Art, a production of Chorus America on National Public Radio, as well as on Radio KDB 93.7 and KEYT-TV of Santa Barbara. The ensemble has appeared as part of the Midwinter Music Festival, the Gotland Medieval Festival in Visby, Sweden, and at the Music Academy of the West. The ensemble has toured internationally to Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Vienna. They currently have five recordings released which are available online at SevenSouth Records. The Quire of Voyces is host to a major annual education and outreach event for high school choruses from throughout California. This Chamber Choir Festival introduces young singers to the literature and performance of great choral music. The choirs are adjudicated by three of California's most highly respected professional choir directors. Although the Quire of Voyces is sponsored by Santa Barbara City College, which underwrites some of the operating expenses, the group is dependent on outside grants and donations for music literature purchases, concert production, CD pressing, concert tour costs, administrative support, etc.
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