Dave the Grave and His Skeletons a minha banda!!!arte em geral, fa?o artesanato em vidro, porcelana, cinema, musica, literatura, piercings, tattos, vegetarianismo, sair de noite..
Ja encontrei...
NIN,Death in June, coucteau twins,deadcandance,David bowie, cranes, cramps, tiamat, anathema, nick cave, The Cure, Radiohead,peter murphy, The Smiths, Depeche, Johny cash, Antohny and The Johnsons, Muse, Sigur Ros, cowboy junkies, lycia, motorhead, Wasp, Amorphis, The gathering, Opeth, black tape for a blue girl, dead combo,Interpol, She Wants Revenge, Arcade Fire, The Strokes, Suede, The Horrors, Undying Legacy, fear Cult, Violet Stigmata, Voodoo Church, Phantom Vision, X-Wife, The Smiths, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Killing Joke, Skeletal Family, Dinosaur Jr., The Mars Volta, Placebo, Arctic Monkeys, Klaxons ...
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
MySpace Stuff
todos os do tim burton, todos do lars von triers, Baraka,todos do kubrick, a cidade de Deus...
o 3? calhau a contar do sol, the carnival, a cidade dos homens, stargate...
a insustentavel leveza do ser"Milan Kundera", amor em tempos de colera"Gabriel Garcia Marquez", 1984"George orwel, o Lun?rio "Al Berto", Siddhartha "Hermann Hesse", Fernao capelo gaivota "Richard Bach" ...o senhor dos aneis, brumas de avalon, o livro da serpente, Ramses de Christian jacq... e por ai fora.
o coiote, por mais merda que lhe aconteca, nunca desiste!