Books and travel. Cities, cities are amazing. Been studying them for soooo long now and they still fascinate me. Favourites include; Krakow, Paris, Edinburgh, Manchester, Newcastle, Prague and Beirut, but i don't like Rome, Cairo, Budapest London or Preston! I do like to go to the gym and swimming. Ok, so like is a strong word, maybe tolerate....Yeah I tolerate going to the gym and swimming, mainly so people don't describe me using words like robust, chubby or fat fuck.
Alex Ferguson or anyone who plays/played for Man United (although the first team, not some tryout or youth team pleb). Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Neil Gaiman, anyone who's made it as a writer really, I just find it impressive. Most Importantly........The Gypsy Kings. Their music shall live on forever in Mediterranean resteraunts all over the world, no other band can claim that niche. You have to respect that.
Can I be a twat and say I have an 'ecclectic taste in music'. Not the 'goatee bearded, misunderstood, only 'My Chemical Romance' really understand how I feel' ecclectic taste in music; more the 'if I'm drunk enough and it has a beat you can count on me throwin da shapes' type of ecclectic. The shallow type of ecclectic.
Not big into films. Know thats kind of sacreligeous, I mean, I like films don't get me wrong but i'm not mad into them like most people. Its like chocolate, I like chocolate, I just don't get the pseudo-orgasmic experience most people seem to get from it. Films and chocolates are NICE, there you go.....
See films. TV is NICE, it just don't float ma boat. Gordon Ramsey is a legend though, anyone who says fuck that much on television can do no wrong.
Noooooo, I could bore people with this all day as I am a complete bibliophile. Realising that I sound like a complete geek I'll try and keep this short and sweet. Am really into Alexandre Dumas at the moment as 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and 'The Black Tulip' were both amazing. I have a long standing obsession with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, having read just about everything he has written. 'Love in the Time of Cholera' is the BEST book ever written; to the point I own four copies of it (I keep letting people borrow it, and then forgetting they have it, and then buying a new only for them to give it me back). Oh I also like; Train Spotting, Don Quixote, The Little Prince and Anansi Boys and anything with pictures of breasts in it (well it is technically 'reading material')!
People who are so obese they can't actually sit up. Chronicaly stupid game show contestants. Pigeons. Beggers. Men who wear fake tan.Fat/ugly strippers. All these people make me feel good about myself and so I salute them (insert fanfare).