Malou profile picture


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About Me

I love dancing Hula and Ori, especially when I'm feeding off our drummers, I feel like I can dance forever, even if I'm not out of shape! I love being outdoors when the Sun is out and taking long walks. I like hanging out w/ my family, Tyler, & friends and just laughing and shooting the ISH. 6-pack and AMT-KJAMS! I also love my alone time where I can just think by myself, that's when I'm most creative. I do not like to feel tied down, I like to spread my wings and fly. (my tattoo) For those of you who don't know me.. my friends will tell you.. I'm a true Leo.. HEAR MY ROAR! But in all honesty, if you're on my good side, I'm just a teddy bear. :0). You have to take the time to get to know me first. It's true, like they say "Love me or leave me alone!"

My Interests

Tyler! ;0) Hula and Ori - TMTAT!!! Dancing, Snowboarding, Surfing, Scrapbooking, Hiking

I'd like to meet:

Old friends from the past


Not really that picky, but I'm leaning more towards the oldies now.. too much junk playing on the radio now a days!


Lilo & Stitch, Bring it on, Shag, Disney movies, My best friend's wedding


Chicken Soup for the soul, Harry Potters Series, Summer Sisters