I'm a SCORPIO...you should know...good music with a chill glass of wine, carshows..fishing..parks and quite times at home with good movie...and did I mention ...I LIKE TO EAT..)Wink)
I like to meet exciting people with respect for them selfs as well as others and a sense of humor and know how to hold a good conversation without using four letter words......If you have arguements with yourself and lose..get a crazy check on the 1st of the Month...or seen inside of a Prison or Methadone clinic...STOP RIGHT NOW AND SLOWLY CLICK THE X IN THE FAR RIGHT HAND CORNER AND LEAVE THIS PAGE...NO TIME FOR BULLSHIT, SKANK"S AND PRANK'S.
R&B, Blues...Motown...Jazz...Maysa..Will Downing..Art Porter...Norman Brown...Incognito..and the real jazz Station....WJZZ (Do You Remember)
Law& Order (SVU..CI)..MSNBC... Discovery Health..ER.. One Live To Live...Old Black Movies..
My Jesus