I am Beej. I am a quite simple person...small and compact...able to fit into most suitcases and overhead compartments. Things that I like or strike my interest include my friends, family (especially my sister...she is awesome), music, penguins, love, nightmares and scary things, olives, imported lagers, food, more food, hoodies from the little boy's section, thrift stores, my bass, concerts (both playing and attending), obsessions, and laughing 'til I cry.
Anyone who wants to meet me.
Rock, ya dig?
I need more time, or someone to just sit in my room playing movies all day long so that I will eventually just sit down and watch them because he obviously wont stop playing the movies until I do.
Anything that makes me laugh. I don't watch much T.V.
I never seem to finish what I start. Shame on me.