"Who I am...
you can never know..."
Beneath thy flesh, my bones putrify
Beneath thy face, my skull is grim
Beneath thy brain are thoughts still sane
Beneath thy heart, blood pumps one name...
I... beneath thy shadow of a crucifix...
Make you whole as you plead for me
Suppress your life as you bleed to be free
Spare your blood and watch the lake endlessly
And hear tamed angels weep as you fall asleep...
Who I am, you can never know...
Underneath a cloth cleansed with wounded sorrow
Room is dark enough to hide all that is inside
Fairly dark enough to catch a sudden flicker of light
And as I traverse beyond your forsaken world
My thoughts are still concealed and hard to behold
For I am the only one who knows about myself
Judge me not on how I exist nor so anyone else
Indeed pain is what makes the most out of me...
But one can never be sure of someone’s destiny
When your eyes are closed it is then you feel me
Flowing inside your skin as your heart beats for eternity…
© 01062003
"Life spins too short
to let pain rule you..."
"Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous... -Anais Nin"
"The progeny of a new rare breed of angry 'whores' and ingenious 'warlocks' brought together to form a flock, creating a completely different kind of refined angstcore sound & fatal feminine message..."