My friends and family and girlfriend, learning, working hard, good music, good films, good art, the internet, bikes, skatboards, ebay, dogs, good food, booze, shoes, tattoos, producing, directing, films, videos, documentaries, great music, making some money, having some fun.
Always up for a new aquaintence.
Hip-hop and rock and roll. Wu-Tang, 1900s, Plan B, Jay-Z, Johnny Cash, Baby Dayliner, The Stooges, T.I., Thin Lizzy, Grizzly Bear, Klaxons, TV On The Radio, Credence, Gnarls, Ghostface, Against Me, The 1900s, Lil Wayne, Arctic Monkeys, Billy Idol, Blur, The Streets, Bad Religion, Guided By Voices, Babyshambles, The Gossip, Def Jux, The Band, The Rolling Stones, Stone Roses, Mountain Goats, Bowie, Envelope, Blueprint, Dip Set, Reggie Watts,
Looking forward to anything creative and well done. The Up Series, Rolling Thunder, The Yakuza, Children of Men, Fallen Angels, Little Children, The Kid Stays in the Picture, Half Nelson, The Departed, Down to the Bone, The Omega Man, Mean Streets, The Long Good Friday, Casablanca, Waking Life, Cool Hand Luke, Made, Rollerball, Wolf Creek, Being John Malkovich, Heat, Fog of War, Dig!, Style Warz, Mona Lisa, Le Dolce Vita, Personal Velocity, Raging Bull, Last Tango In Paris, Robocop, Dawn of the Dead, Shuan of The Dead, The Bicycle Theif, Akira, Manhattan, Goddard, Gondry. And the list continues...
The News. The Office (US & UK), Arrested Development, Extras, Entourage, John From Cincinatti, The Sopranos, The Food Network, Jeoparody, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Fox Soccer Channel, Top Chef, Project Runway, Rap City, BBC, CNN, 60 Minutes.
Always looking for something new. Zorba The Greek, Tristram Shandy, Atlas Shrugged, The Master and Margarita, The Search. Hemingway and Bukowski. The Fountainhead, Malcolm Gladwell, Nietzsche, Celine, Frank Miller, Hunter S. Thompson, Capote, Fitzgerald, Dickens, The Wisdom Of Crowds, Screenplays, Mags, The Times, Some blogs, Comics, etc.
My friends, my family, my girlfriend.