Tall blondes, Workin' Out, Tall blondes with long curly hair, Drivin', Tall blondes with long curly hair in polka dots and heels, Cooking, Listening to music, anything I can tinker with, and did I mention? TALL BLONDES.
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A little bit of everything.
Sandler flicks, Waiting, Underworld 1& 2, Marvel Movies, Superbad, The Evil Dead Movies, Airplane!, Spaceballs, If it's funny, shit's blowing up, or shit's blowing up and its funny, I'm down.
Whatever's on when I have time to watch it.
My Parents - Thankyou.
My brother Mark - Thanks for teaching me the talk, and all the required and often unrequired big brother duties.
Burke - To the craziest fucker I know, thanks for the emergency bar stops when the world was upside down, picking up and going across country at the most inconvenient time of year, listening to me rant about the same shit over and over again, and still supporting me anyway, and for pushing me to do shit, no matter how much I wanted to quit.
Dana - Last, but never ever least. Thank you for being my friend, my real life guardian angel, my inspiration, my driving force, my reason to smile again like I haven't in years, my happy thought. The reason I'll never give up, give in, surrender, call it in, or listen to the haters that'll never be where I'm going. Thank you for all those nights we talked 'til the sun came up, and never about the same thing twice. Oh and thanks for the following quote, "OH MY GOD!!! Damn I didn't know it was all like that!! You look fuckin awesome! Diesel as hell!!!"