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Only when we know who we are can we know freedom.

About Me

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Don't damn me
When I speak a piece of my mind
'Cause silence isn't golden
When I'm holding it inside
Born alone, Live alone, Die alone.
I'm everything you think I'm not and nothing you think I am.
I am FAR beyond my years, in MANY aspects.Different.
I am intelligent enough to keep my mouth shut yet articulate enough to open it when something needs to be said.
I am intellectual.
I don't impose anything i believe on anyone!I answer,say what I think is true.Do what you want with it.I don't care
I don't care what people think about me.I don't have a problem with me.
I say what I mean and I never pretend as so many others do intending just to please.
I accept every uniqueness even if it differs from my own.I do not hate anything or anyone.
I expect to be given what I feel I deserve.
I believe that people control their own happiness.
I believe in the power of optimism.
I believe in the power and strength of words.
I believe in the power of good.
I believe in fate and in faith.
I believe in survival of the fittest.
I believe that a person can live a life unnoticed, if they don't SPEAK UP.
I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I may live in a dream, but I know what IS and what ISN'T.
I know who i am, and i dont need a bunch of stuff or people to remind me or impose their belief systems on me.
I can sometimes be harsh, and aggressive, but I know deep down I have a kind heart.
My words may disturb but at least there's a reaction.
I'm a curious person.
I'm also a very patient person.
I often fear my words are misinterpreted.
I dont like ending things emptyhanded on neither side.
I like to stay in contact with everyone and i dont like beeing ignored or neglected (i resent this) so talk to me only if you really want to know me.Any other than that :

cows are cool, their milk makes my cereal taste good =)
The End.
sue me


My Interests

I believe in the power of good.I will offer help where it is needed and do as much as i can do counter the negative energies.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---

I am at the crossroads between waking and dream.
One path leads to a world i left behind, the other path..
The other path leads to a place of shadows.
Between the familiar and the unknown,
between certainty and doubt, my choice would seem obvious.
Any sane man would turn back to the world he knows,
Forget what he has learned, and live his life in blisfull ignorance.
I am at the crossroads, but for me there is only one path.
I leave behind these words,
so they can serve as a map for someone else.
To whomever reads this, godspeed on your journey.
And if you ever decide to follow in my footsteps..look me up.
__"Brian Westhouse"

When the stars threw down their spears
and water'd heaven with their tears
dids he smile his works to see?
Did he who made the lamb make thee ?


There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.

The Essence Of Balance Is Detachment.
To Embrace A Cause,To Grow Fond Or Spiteful,Is To Lose One's Balance,
After Which,No Actions Can Be Trusted.
Our Burden Is Not For The Dependent Of Spirit.
- - Mayar, Third Keeper

The Stone Cannot Know Why The Chisel Cleaves It;
The Iron Cannot Know Why The Fire Scorches It.
When Thy Life Is Cleft And Scorched, When Death And Despair Leap At Thee,
Beat Not Thy Breast And Curse Thy Evil Fate,
But Thank The Builder For The Trials That Shape Thee.
-- The Hammer Book Of Tenets

Reliance Upon Others Is Weakness For The Strong,But Strength For The Weak.
Wisdom And Balance Lie In Knowing Your Own Nature Over Time.
-- Chronicle of the Metal Age

There Are Those To Whom Knowledge Is A Shield, And Those To Whom It Is A Weapon.
Neither View Is Balanced,
But One Is Less Unwise.
-- Keeper Annals

We have untapped greatness inside us.But we are limited by our own fears.We play by the rules, we do as we're told and, we deny ourself our own desires.All of humans desire power.Its just that most of us are never in a position to attain it.

I'd like to meet:

Other than that....

Anyone (= i accept all people as they are and not as they pretend to be.If you have a question about me just ask and i'll answer if i can.


About MSN (read please) :

IF you add me for some reason i expect you to actually say something.Don't add me if you just want to sit there and be quiet all the time.I think this is pretty insolent and arrogant and i delete people like that very fast.Neither i like if you say something once and then go silent.If you find me boring and tiresome and don't talk to me please say that you will delete me and do so.I do not resent people doing this..i never will..i am not that kind of person and i expect nothing out of no-one.

Thats it, Hope you are mature enough to respect and consider my request.

Thank you.

MSN : [email protected]




Soundgarden !!!
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Guns 'n Roses
Good charlotte
The Ramones
Dire Straits
The doors
Led Zeppelin


Papa Roach
Alice in Chains
Faith no More
Scissor Sisters
Stevie Nicks
ZZ Top
Twisted Sister
Black Sabbath
Elvis Costello
Deep Purple


And much, much more...


A.I (Artificial Intelligence)
The Big Lebowski
From dusk 'till dawn
the Matrix Trilogy (absolute fan)
(made the .gif myself :P)
Those are one of my favourites ^^ Many more that i cant remember remain inside though :)


what about it ? i dont watch it much, is that weird ?




makes me laugh ^^


DreamFall - Joan D. Vinge
Kingdom of the Golden Dragon - Isabelle Alende
Awarenes - Anthony de Mello
Spirits of the Dead - Edgar Allan Poe
The neverending story - Micheal Ende
Hobit, LoTR - J.R.r.T

And some that i cant remeber the names of ;)


Heroes ? hmm...thats a tough one.. i'll say this though : Every man/woman may have their hero.But the true hero that lies within themselves hasnt been discovered yet..maybe it has been, but what do i know ;)My heroes are definetly :

David Icke

Anthony de Mello

Cris Cornell

My Blog


Its better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you're not....
Posted by Arcadian on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 05:11:00 PST