I am still interested in the same ol' normal stuff...but now I am also interested in establishent (of myself). I am interested in establishing a life for myself...career, relationships, roots, callings, passions and so on. A chapter in my life has closed. I think I am ready to start a whole new book. p.s....I like trains too.
Anyone who wants to talk to me!
My ipizzle is so full of stuff...I don't know what half of it is (thanks Cail). I will keep you posted if I find anything I fall in love with... width="425" height="350" ..
The Grudge 2 comes out on Fri. the 13. I definitely will not be seeing it. Boo on any movie that can't possibly happen in real life. Woohoo for movies that tell a meaningful story. If you know of a good one, let me know.
Doesn't Oprah come on at 4pm? I'm not sure...that's my nap time.
I am really anxious to get hooked on phonics someday!
Anyone who is not a hypocrite!