I am truly a nerd at heart so things like reading, writing, and sketching always go here but its because I do enjoy them. I also love to dance and I'm constantly listening to what my friends catergorize as "sub-par" music but everyone is entitled to their own opinion thank you very much.
adopt your own virtual pet!
I'd like to meet:
Fiona Apple, Janet Jackson, and J.K. Rowling. The obvious observation is they're women. Its just something subconscious I guess. They were the first three people that came to mind. There are others of course. More important figures that stand for much larger ideas but in a way these three stand on their own too. I would also have to say that I need to meet the personification of my hedgehog Lily because I really want to know the truth about what she thinks of me. I have to meet my boyfriend's family eventually too. :-I
It really takes something beyond obnoxious for me not to like a song. I don't know why. I find a whole range of music appealing but my two all-time favorites are "The Way you Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson and "Rhapsody in Blue" composed by Gershwin.
I think I'm one of the only people who I have talked to who has a working numbered list so here it goes:1) Angels in America
2) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3) Garden State
4) Adaptation
5) Center Stage
6) Peter Pan (the latest version with the kid with a lisp)
7) The Net
8) The Rock
I really only watch TV when I go home to Houston to visit family because I didn't have cable in my dorm when I lived there. I just learned to live without it. However, I perform everything in my power to watch every episode of Project Runway. I love that show. My other favorites are the American version of "Queer as Folk", Will & Grace, Grey's Anatomy, Top Design (lots of Bravo) and I love watching the history channel with my boyfriend.
Well Harry Potter goes without saying. I named my hedgehog after his mother, Lily. (Yeah I know) I loved "The Giver" as a kid. I just bought that book too. I still have dreams like scenes out of that book. I enjoyed "Paradise Lost" by Milton even though I had to read it in my summer British lit. class. I think my all-time favorite book though has to be "The Egypt Game" by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. She has an obnoxious name but I really love how she captured the imagination of children.
My heroes would have to be family members. My dad because he has an unrivaled work ethic. My sister because she is resilient to a fault. And my mom for being as understanding as she can be. And one can not forget about Stanley Tucci, he's everyone's hero. My two best friends have to go here also because I really don't see how we could exist without each other.