Tae kwon-do, going to gigs,singing, listening to music, swimming, watching tennis, meeting new people, (i am definitely not shy).
The Stranglers...Jet Black, JJ Burnel, Dave Greenfield and Baz Warne.I would also love to meet Paul Roberts and Julian (from Circle of One) as they both have amazing voices!
all sorts as long as its not heavy metal or opera. Apart from that more or less everything. But especially Jaded, The Stranglers, Circle of One, Sal, Goldblade, The deep, 7 Inch Giants.
anything with romance or comedy. I also enjoyed watching the first 5 harry potter films.
reality tv, soap operas, anything musical
Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Angela Carter, , Brontes, Maya Angelou, Dickens, Danielle steel etc.
my mum, my two brothers and my nan.
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