skateboarding, surfing, art, photography, yoga, people, reading, writing, learning, spreading good, sprituality (i'm more spiritual than religious)........... i have an amazing love for nature. anything outdoors is good for me.. it is all one love... life truly is a gift!!! pura vida!!
all of those who i am meant to......
any kind that moves me....
THE mile, John "Q", spottless mind, dazedandconfused, office space, big fish, seabiscuit, finding forester , notebook diaries, the notebook, crouching tiger hidden dragon, malkovich, clerks, pulp fiction, reservor dogs, 8 mile, the last samurai, the passion, garden state, step into liquid, what the bleep ...................
four agreements... mastry of love... heart strings.... what a man thinketh.... john livingston the seagul. education of little tree....alchemist... sidhartha...YOU.. What Really Matters.. Bhagavad-Gita....the bible..way of the peaceful warrior.. Order WHAT REALLY MATTERS HERE: 59886372XYOU: _rhf_f_t_cs_1
all of those who are "living" their life.....