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Kids and teenagers these days have NO CLUE what so ever that even the slightest kiss can cause them to catch HERPES so i decided to start this web site to open up there mindsSo listen up and take this into serious consideration when you are out with a boy or girl cause NOBODY is mortal Yes it can even happen to you. So slow down you have your whole life ahead of you.Here is some information,Facts on STDSThe greatest increase in incidence occurred among young white teens. Genital herpes infection is now 5 times more common in 12- to 19-year-old Caucasians ...

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HERPES AND GENITAL HERPESWhat it is Herpes simplex virus (HSV): A virus that can cause blisters on the skin or mucous membranes (mouth or lips) above the waist and in the other by such blisters on the genitals.Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1): A herpes virus that usually causes cold sores and fever blisters in and around the mouth.Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2): A herpes virus that usually causes genital herpes, which is characterized by sores in the genital area.Immunity: The state of being immune; a condition of being able to resist a particular disease.Genital herpes is an infection caused by a virus (a kind of germ).* It causes small, painful sores or blisters. The sores can come and go. But once you get herpes, the virus is always in your body.* You get the herpes virus by having sex with someone who has it. * It can be spread by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex. * It can be spread by kissing * It can also be spread by touching the infected area of someone who has it.SymptomsMost people with herpes get signs of the infection. But some people don't.Most people get blisters or sores. They can show up in any of these places:* The vagina or penis * The thighs or buttocks * The mouthThese blisters or sores are different for everyone:* Some people get a painful rash of blisters or sores. * Some get only a blister or two that just itch. * Some people feel like they have the flu along with the blisters.The sores and blisters will heal.* Some people get the sores only once. * Some people get them many times.Even when you have no sores or blisters, the herpes virus is in your body, and you can pass herpes to others.Long Term EffectsHerpes cannot be cured. It can cause these problems:* You can pass it on to others. * You have a higher chance of getting HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). * Your baby could get herpes while being born.To take care of the sores:* Keep the area clean and dry. Wash gently and dry with a clean, soft towel. Or use a hair dryer set on cool. * Wear cotton underwear and loose clothes. * Don't put any cream or ointment on the sores unless your clinician tells you to.

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What are STDs?STDs are infections that people usually get by having sex with someone who already has one. Some STDs can be treated and cured with antibiotic medicine. Others cannot be cured. But many of those can be treated to make them easier to live with. Common STDS that can be treated and cured* Chlamydia * Gonorrhea * Syphilis * Trichomoniasis * Vaginal infectionsThese STDs are caused by bacteria (a kind of germ). Common STDs that can be treated but NOT cured* Genital Herpes * Genital Warts (HPV) * Hepatitis B * HIV/AIDSThese STDs are caused by a virus (another kind of germ).STDs left untreated can:* Be painful and make you very sick. A few can even cause death. * Make it hard for a woman to get pregnant when she wants to. * Make a man unable to father a child. * Cause birth defects or other health problems for a newborn.Millions of people have STDs. And most people who get them are under the age of 30.* STDs are common. * You can have more than one STD at a time. * You can get the same STD more than once.


1. Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the US. 2.Genital herpes is common. HSV is present in as many as one in five teens and adults in the United States. 3.Both types of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact. A person can get the cold sores of HSV1 by kissing or sharing eating utensils with an infected person.


Check out these web sites and learn Itching, burning, tingling, bumps, in or around the genital Teen Source Provides Sex Education Information to Teens & Young Adults


In other words dont go kissing just anyone. A moment of joy can Cause you a life time of pain Dee DeePS: AVOID DRINKING AND SHARING FORKS,SPOONS,TOWELS YOU GET THE POINT