Reading, Writing, Roleplaying (the real three "R"s...screw 'rithmitic), Video Games, The Art of Killing Zombies, and Zombie Armageddon Survival
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Beautiful songs. Beautiful imagery. Yeah...I play WoW, too.
I have a few "Greatest Movies of All Fucking Time". The Boondock Saints. The Shawshank Redemption. Sin City. Pirates of the Carribean. The Original Star Wars Trilogy. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Mr. Brooks. Anything the great Kevin Smith has graced with his genius. Anything Quentin Tarentino has graced with his quirky psychoticness.
Adult Swim. Lost. Just about everything else that appears on my television screen that isn't a video game usually makes me want to find stupid people and further mankind's evolution.
The Wheel of Time. (Rest in Peace R.J.) Harry Potter. Any Roleplaying Rulebook or Compendium. A Song of Ice and Fire. The Stranger. Catcher in the Rye.
All my heroes are fictional. Most Real life heroes wind-up letting you down and almost always end up being twisted individuals who were at the right moment and accidentally did the right thing. Fictional heroes have flaws, true, but not the kind that make you sick to your stomach and wonder what's wrong with society.