Arya Thalia Erato profile picture

Arya Thalia Erato

I am here for Networking

About Me

Maruwe - Sweet dreams in dreamland AryaContinue to watch this site for the evolution of a dancer/drummer...change is some time? Check out my drum videos - drum on, just drum on...

My Interests

River Spirit
Add to My Profile | More VideosTribal Fusion Belly dancing, Multi-cultural dancing, drumming, zilling, all sorts of percussion. Fire and fire props... Swords and daggers... Fishing year round (yes, this includes ice-fishing) Faeries. Rocks Rock! Dragons, gnomes, elves, all woodland creatures, Favorite shop: "Once in a Blue Moon" in St. Croix Falls, WI. Poetry, drawing, creating things with my bare hands. I love watching "live" theatre - plays and such. Using my imagination as much as possible in my daily life. Alternative medicines/healing. Believing in the unbelievable...
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The Minneapolis Bellydance Meetup Group!

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Truth is not gained through observation, it's gained through experience.Another poem:What is it to dance? The music starts Tension and relaxation simultaneously begins Flowing arms, charming accents Cannot remove the joy from my face Feel til the music becomes part of me I am beckoned, a flame dancing in the fire Mesmerizing, no boundaries Exuberant breaths Alone and Public merges into one Like a fresh rain shower on sun soaked skin Vitality overflows Expressions abound Wonderment and all of its marvel Beating drums, pulsing, speeding heart Dare I continue this quest? But for not, tragedy abides Never discredit or disregard the spirit of the dance Feed it, as if kindling, to ignite the torch Guidance and fulfillment Wishes granted, just for the asking Believe and be true Unleash the genuine gypsy Cannot be contained within thy walls Movement, worldly, earthly ‘Tis but one’s own will that holds thine back Be free and roam The sliver of the moon is lit with thine eyes Shine brightly, as the stars on a crystalline night Become the moods of the wind Delight and relish the swirling momentum Reflections of pleasurable dreams re-enacted What, again, is it to dance?AryaMyself when I am 80 years old.Incredibly unique individuals. Spirits who get lost in the rhythm...


Middle Eastern, Indian, Morroccan, African, Spanish, Latino, Native American, culturally rich influenced music. Old country - Willie, Johnny, Merle, Hank, some newer country stuff, etc... What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
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Favorite: The King and I with Yul. Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp is spectacular!),Field of Dreams, The Princess Bride (no more rhymes and I mean it, anybody want a peanut?)Lord of the Rings Series, Harry Potter(s), Fiddler on the Roof, Dances With Wolves, West Side Story, Cool Hand Luke, All Clint Eastwood movies, The Magnificent Seven (with Yul, again...)...


Nah! Outside is where it's at! Near an enchanting fire, if possible, and some drums...perhaps an orange, full wondering moon, the soft touch of fine pebbles surrounding your bare feet, and the sounds, smells and feel of the ocean close at hand - can you imagine? OR: a small open space in the middle of gnarled oaks and undergrowth, moss-scented and covered, with a stream of sun rays or moonlight radiating all around..ah the places where the Great Spirit is -


I love inspirational autobiographies and stories - and hope to write one someday. I also would love to publish a book of poems.


make your own myspace graphics and banners from Thomas Edison, William Shackleton, My Father, my Mother, my familia... Really, anyone that overcomes great obstacles in their life and comes out of it for the better and with a positive attitude! A hero lies within all of us. Everyone has stories to share. Take time to listen.

My Blog

Gathering Chant/Song

Come and Feel the sound and Surround yourself With love and light Celebrate it Embrace it Love and light (Repeat) Arya 2/1/08 Meant to be a gathering song, starting with one voice and adding a voice e...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:45:00 PST

Woo wee!

Wowza!  I attended the Fakoly African Dance and Drum workshop last night - incredible drumming and intense, high energy dancing!  I think I hurt my hand a little, but heck, Fakoly himself ha...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:53:00 PST

Practice Mindfulness...

And you will find the peace you are looking for. Take time for a meditative walk outside, or find a comfortable place to lie or sit still and listen to the silence. It really is GOLDEN. Think of the s...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:57:00 PST

Kanu talks

"I have confided in someone who is not part of my band.  I have broken an oath and caused dishonor and distrust," Kanu stated, matter of factly, still staring into the fire. "The OTE has sha...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:40:00 PST

Kanus turn...

Kanu caught Derivia's eyes, and nodded.  Amber wondered what it was about.  Kanu gathered wood and began to make a fire - it looked like they were planning on spending the night in the dense...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:13:00 PST

Where are they?

What happened?  Amber felt around was dark, she was alone.  She felt grass beneath her, but could not see a foot in front of her.  Everything was jet black.  It was like r...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 09:22:00 PST

Yes, the story does continue...

Walking through the darkness was like tasting something unknown.  Amber wasn't quite sure if she liked it, but at the same time, it was quite exciting and exhilerating - the not knowing was what ...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:43:00 PST

Feelings of danger arise...

Amber felt as though she were floating in another dimension and observing everything around her - more like looking in through a window from another dimension.  Every little noise was intensified...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:23:00 PST

Derivia asks...

When they finished their meager meal - soup, dry bread, and water from their flasks - they all gazed into the fire and watched the flames dart around.  It was mesmerizing.  Derivia spo...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:32:00 PST

Kanu stays the night...

"Kanu will be staying with us for the next few days," Derivia said to Amber.  "We will find a safe place within the forest to camp." Amber hoped Kanu or Derivia couldn't hear her gulp, as she won...
Posted by Arya Thalia Erato on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 03:34:00 PST