Dimitar Bozikov profile picture

Dimitar Bozikov

Welcome to Dimitar Bozikovs Space!

About Me

No doubt, seventy disposed of most outstanding guitarists. One of them who impressed me with his unusual and original access in playing guitar is Jeff Beck. He always makes things different and unexpected, suprising us with excellent paces of vinyl. Unavoidable, he left deep impression on me, a young guitarist who searched for contemporary guitar expression.Although I was member in a several rock & roll groups, making my own project was always the basic idea, so in the end I decide to make my independent studio (D&B manufacture). The first and only reason why I'm going on my own is my intention to create something new, which means to possess sufficient work space to experiment without overloading and unlimited possibillity for inspiration.Guitarland is not a fluke, this project transfuses all my creative energy and invention. I tried to make a modern sound and arrangement, unloaded of vain guitar phrases. The invitable prose and macedonian climate are often inspiration of mine, starting with Pink glasses which inspiration is found in our contemporary living, via dedicated composition of magic ancient town Ohrid, to finish with Bizant rhapsody, theme which is closely related with Macedonian history.
Read more and Buy this great CD at PLGMEDIA.COM !

My Interests


Member Since: 8/10/2006
Band Website: dimitarbozikov.com
Band Members: Dimitar Bozikov- Guitar
Boris Antovski- Bass
Ljubo Stefanovski - Key
Cale Angelov- Drums

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Record Label: Alliance Records Inc.
Type of Label: Indie