Amanda profile picture


Redneck Woman

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hell I would love to meet George Strait! I have to say that I am a true blue George Strait Junky!


I listen to all of the oldies and alot of country. Sometimes when im in the mood i will listen to some new pop shit. I hate, hate, hate punk and alot of rap. That shit is not worth listening too. You can't redo the Eagles in any way, and Tom Petty will always be a Heartbreaker. If all else fails, I lean on George!


My favorite movie of all time is a toss up between Dirty Dancing and Top Gun. Both very inspirational. haha! I have to say if it was filmed in the 80's, it's got to be worth watching.


I don't usually have time for the tube! Most TV at my house is hot rod shows that my dad watches. I like Will and Grace and who doesn't like Sex In the City.


I love anything that gets you thinking. Mostly something sad, don't ask me why, its a girl thing.


Ofcourse my biggest heros are my Parents. My mom for her strength and my dad for his love. I also would like to think of Kris (the owner of a resturant i used to work at) as a hero, she taught me alot about the true things in life.