Letter to Forrest |
This was written in response to Forrest in the previous blog. I wanted to get this out there. I have so much more to say but my thoughts haven't formed words yet.
Over the years of knowing you, I have... Posted by Drack on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:28:00 PST |
The Quote 3 |
"Being the best usually means proving it to everyone."
People have been bothering me lately by the way they are acting. Most people I know or have come accross recently are selfish and think they are ... Posted by Drack on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:02:00 PST |
Letters of Suicide Part II |
Life comes unexpectently to the dull and boring, but dreams, perceptions, and realities are in a constant shift and change in my life. The saying "life sucks then you die" comes to mind, but when I re... Posted by Drack on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:30:00 PST |
New Beginings |
Well today is the day to look forward to a new begining. I will be moving to Missoula around Auguat 10th. I will be living in a new city with new people, a new job, and going to a new school. This wil... Posted by Drack on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 02:47:00 PST |
Tag! I'm it! |
Tag, You're it! Here are the rules: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, lis... Posted by Drack on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:54:00 PST |
The Quote 2 |
What do people think of this quote. Tell me your thoughts. Is it true? Does it make sense?"A boy has the right to dream,there are endless possibilities stretched out before him.What awaits him down th... Posted by Drack on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST |
Letters of Suicide |
After the experience I was left with a strange feeling. A feeling of awkwardness. I was left sick and I had a butterfly type feeling. I was left seperated from myself; nothing regis... Posted by Drack on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:32:00 PST |
The quote |
So boredom is always overtaking me so I am posting yet another blog. Well to fight the boredom I am going to blog quotes that we can discuss and see what people think about them.The First one is"We li... Posted by Drack on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:15:00 PST |
April: the Final Draft |
AprilWrittenby Darrick Dahl Thinking back to when I saw her last, I remember her beauty inside and out. Her looks are absolutely blinding and heart stopping.... Posted by Drack on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST |
Open your eyes and see what you got. |
I am posting this in a blog because I have felt this way a few times in my life. I must say it sucks and it hurts worse than anything when a girl tells me there are no good guys in the world, when I a... Posted by Drack on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:08:00 PST |