Football, Boxing, Rugby, Weights, Cycling, Gym, music, my guitar(brushes the dust off), playing pool,pubs,bars,clubs, my wonderful friends lol and probably loads more which I cant remember right now!!
Keria Knightly because she has such a pretty face and she kicks ass in Pirates of the Caribean(oooh yeah)!!Bruce Dickenson because hes just an absolute phenom in the rock music industry and his music is amazing!!uumm on a serious not and not in my dream like state I would like to meet people who are honest and fun:P always a great combination dont you think:)!!!
Rock,Punk,Metal,Scar,nything ffrom the 80's era(NWOBHM) Dance,Trance,some RapPretty much anything with a beat of meaningful lyrics
Pulp Fiction, American History X, American Pie 1,2,3,BC and the new one out soon:PPlus loads more seems I study films as part of my degree;)
Punked, Jackass, Dirty Sanchez, The Sopranos( omg that kicks ass)
The Davinci Code by Dan Brown is pretty amazing!! Mein Kampf was an intresting read
Stuart Pearce, Roy Keane and Bruce Dickinson