Anna profile picture


Corr corr

About Me

The Lyme regis mud slides. skiing names :beauty, baby. Mrs hawkins red shoes. laughing in the fire alarm line. The naughty two. Dude where's my car?? Sweet. Kukaburra song with the fosketts. The roadtrip adventures. All roads lead to highmoor! Sugarcult of the 1st concert in zodiac. Chillis in hyde park with the orban cigar boy!! The underground with the posters. Nigels exercise machine! Midnight swims with the richards! The farmer sweeping boy on the lawn. Pirate boys! 'Oh look a bandanna?!' Henley bike ride. Storm poissing hails down and needing the loo. Choking on leaf. CHoking on crap from remesis revenge!! Drug on lip!! Banoffee pies. Chipmunk. Big bird!! Tooth chip - chippy. TRacksuit trouser?! poor boy!! bakwell tart. Varn prom car. Trivetts butt! Tumbling phsco music! The famous stump at gilots. 'Get bak in your biscuit tin' Pizzeria boys! Polperro days! Howards tantrums.Model pigs. Whipping rogers at tennis. Jacks throw in my eye. 'Good shot by a good person, badum cha!!!' haha em. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

bit of everything: sports:rounders, tennis, trampolining, skiing, hockey, swimming. music, cooking, food, travelling around, london, gigs, plays

I'd like to meet:

Covent garden day -0 clown with the fat laugh and the red nose!Spunge day - jack u loser for not liking them.I'd like to meet jamie oliver, Prince William, Johnny Depp, Noah./Weese the dread lock gal. Louise baker the galileo king 'he was a poor boy with a poor family' Kestral, corr corr On the search for Pir8 boy s


The shins, Jack Johnson, RBF, The animals, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkel, The Kooks, The duke spirit, Chillis, Joseph Arthur, Jimmy eat world, Feeder, Panic! at the disco, The stranglers, The beatles, The rolling stones, Aimee Mann, The pink spiders, Hooberstank, Incubus, Zero 7, Aphex Twin, Tegan and Sara


Mean Creek, Chocolat - anything with depp in Pir8s of the caribbean THe notebook, Dude where's my car?? Donnie Darco, The butterfly effect, Matilda


Friends, o.c. 8 simple rules, home and away! not much else


The beach (ledgendry book-READ IT), Chocolat, Jaqueline WIlson books, Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, The hobbit, lord of the flies