First things first : music, music, music and ... music.
Then :
Going out with friends to wild concerts.
Dogs (bullies!!).
Dog grooming (Pink Poodle for ever!).
Boys with big toys.
My cowboy, the one and only.
Vinho verde.
My girl crew from eeklo-city.
Drinking champagne ... for no reason.
Rockstar attitude.
La fille d'O.
Having a BBQ with a bunch of friends on a hot summer evening.
Making a trip on the back of my cowboys iron horse.
Dancing on the tunes of cool DJ's (such as Jenz, Ruben and Gill Ewing).
Miso Pretty - the tiny perfection!
Iron chocolate boxes with kings and queens.
Mark Ryden.
If you are into elektro, house, dance or any other silly music style, don't send me a request - I'll deny you straight ahead!!
This is sooooooooooooo hard to answer.
As long as it rattles and rolls - I like it.
Nowadays I listen a lot to
Johnny Casino's Easy Action (if you don't know them, check them out - and that's an order!!)
Lords of Altamont
Bible of the Devil (i saw them once, since then they're in my head forever - they rock, they rule!)
Black Stone Cherry
High on Fire (watch out for them - they gonna get sooooo BIG!)
Year Long Disaster (they're on their way to the top!)
Alabama Thunder Pussy
Fireball Ministry (i hope they come to belgium soon - i'm dying to see them live)
The Mooney Suzuki
BUGgirl (great live band from downunder - they both stole my heart)
The Hellacopters
Gluecifer (RIP - which is sad)
The Casanovas
Black Keys
The Bronx
The Drips
River Boat Gamblers
The Detroit Cobras
Jack Oblivian
The Monsters
Immortal Lee County Killers
Hank III
some old AC/DC (Back in Black!)
some Misfits
The Cult (yes, The Cult - i saw them live in may 2008 and they still rock)
But in a few days or weeks I probably listen to some other rattle & rollers, over and over again.
Concerts of El Guapo Stunt Team, Peter Pan Speedrock and Bad Preachers are always awesome!
Oh brother, where are thou?
Welcome to the doll house.
Lost in translation.
Directors :
Jim Jarmusch.
Alejandro Inarritu.
Quentin Tarantino.
Actors :
Sean Penn.
Harvey Keitel.
Brad Pitt (Kalifornia!).
Vincent Gallo.
Benicio Del Toro.
Six feet under.
The Sopranos.
Roman noir.
Writers :
Raymond Chandler.
Ian Rankin.
Charles Bukowski.
James Ellroy.
Ben Elton.
Roald Dahl.
Herman Brusselmans (after all, he's my brother-in-law).
My dad (the coolest pigeon racing champion of the world).
Every one who dares to keep up the real (and I mean 'the real' - no fake, no arty farty, no sissy) rock & roll attitude.
Mike Ness.
Johnny Cash.
Hank III.
Al Swearengen * cocksucker.
Murielle (la fille d'O).
Joan Jett.
Miso Pretty.