すぎたじゅんじ (Junji Sugita) profile picture

すぎたじゅんじ (Junji Sugita)

人と人のつながりの中に響く歌 Let your soul sway!

About Me

For anybody not from Japan!

Hey, don't turn away from me only for I am a member from Japan.
I am really looking forward to being friends from anybody from outside/inside of Japan.
And also happy to receive and send messages in English.
I started to learn guitar when I was 14 years old, but long before that, maybe 4 years before that, I played it only a little bit at a summer camp. I was small kid, and high school or maybe collage student camp leader taught me how to play a camp song with his guitar.
I spent one year in Bailey, Colorado when I was 18 years old, and I had so much influenced by the music there too.
Since then I have been back in Japan, and now working as guitarist, vocalist and sometimes as music teacher.
I am sorry, but most of my songs are written in Japanese, but I hope you can enjoy it somehow...
To get ideas, I will explain what each song singing about
Please read the bottom of this biography section
Maybe you can try my blog (sorry on English, but with many photos).
Blog "Sugita Junji's honya-la-la
Please feel free to "send me message" or " Friend Request".
中学生のころ、キャンプリーダーのお兄さん にあこがれて独学でギターを始める。
京都外国語大学に進み、アメリカンフォーク ソング部に入部。現在も活動を続けるグルー プ「Haru」のメンバーである田中賢(ま さる)と出会い、バンドを結成。その後、2äº ºã®ãƒ¦ãƒ‹ãƒƒãƒˆã¯é–¢è¥¿ã‚’æ‹ ç‚¹ã«ç²¾åŠ›çš„ã«æ´»å‹•ã‚’ç¶ šã‘ている。
1993年 関西アコースティックサウンドコンム†ã‚¹ãƒˆã€Œä»Šã¯é ã„」にて審査員特別賞
1994年 長崎せちばる音楽祭「このバスに乗だ£ã¦è¡Œã“う」にてグランプリ受賞
1999年 MPA主催第5回オリジナルソングコ㠃³ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã€Œå¤•ç„¼ã‘」にて最優秀賞
2006年 第2回ミュージックコンテスト甲子園㠀Œåƒ•ã‚’救ってくれたのは」にて最優秀賞
また地雷撤去キャンペーン絵本「地雷ではな く花をください」によせたオリジナル曲「翼 はなくても」をシングルCDã¨ã—ã¦ãƒªãƒªãƒ¼ã‚¹ã€‚æ –°èžãªã©ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ã«æ•°å¤šãå–ã‚Šä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œè©±é ¡Œã¨ãªã‚‹ã€‚
2006å¹´8月にはHaruのオリジナルCDアル㠃ãƒ ã€Œåƒ•ã‚’救ってくれたのは」をリリース。
個人としての活動では、フォークデュオ「紙 ふうせん」のギター/サイドボーカルや、 2006年に開校したアルファ・ジャパン・ビュム¼ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒ»ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒƒã‚¸ï¼ˆå§«è·¯å¸‚ï¼‰ã®æ ¡æ­Œã‚’ä½œè©žã€ä½ œæ›²ã€ãƒ—ãƒ­ãƒ‡ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã™ã‚‹ãªã©ã€å„æ–¹é¢ã§æ´»èºä¸ ­ã€‚

. ブログ「すぎたじゅんじ的ほにゃらら」

About songs in MySpace profle.
(1) 明日の夢をみつめて
Title : Wishing A Dream of Tomorrows'
This song, I just wrote recently, when I was asked to sing at "Environmental Fair in Kobe 2008".
This song is about our children, and children's children. And also about their dreams.
Mountains, seas, rivers, sky, sunset, woods, birds and flowers. We just think these are just there, and we never even imagine the world without them. But now is the time to think about it. What we can do, what we should do, or shouldn't do.
There may not be a best answer for it, but at least we need to try to think about it.
(2) The Water Is Wide
You know this one right? This is an Irish folk song. Really simple but beautiful melody. I always want to sing this song with two or three singers, but so far, I just can't find them yet. So I just made a demo recording...
(3) 僕を救ってくれたのは
Title : Somebody who saved my life
Who is the most important person to your life? This is the theme of this song. Most important ones are always with you, and sometimes you forget to think of or thank them because they are too close. But when in trouble, when you need some help, when you are down, somebody next to you is the one to lean on.
(4) 光の空へ Title : To the Light of the Sky
This song, I made it as a school song of " Alpha Japan Beauty Collage" in Himeji, Hyogo. They are just starting the school in 2006, and they wanted to have their own original song. They wanted to make this song be sang by their student with the hope, brightness and their dreams. I went to Himeji, to meet them and I saw Himeji Castle, which is World Heritage, and I felt this Castle was a symbol, hope, dream for the people in Himeji for a long time. If you ever really see it, you will know, but the Castle is up on a hill, so it looks like floating in the sky. So I made a line, " you see a white admire/dream floating in the sky". I hoe they sing this song for a long time at the collage.
(5) Moon River
Yes, you know this one too.
(6)Happy Birthday!
I made this song when my first son was born. But this one was for my wife.
It's not easy to say "Thank you" everyday, but in this good opportunity I will say the words together. "Happy Birthday" and "Arigato".

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2008
Band Website: sound.jp/overheroes/
Sounds Like: ギター弾き語り Acoustic Guitar, singer song-writer
Record Label: 独自
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Way too hot. B~Šn‘Uk

Uns‚BŠ~[“LS“jµüÓ¹’‹dQfdDP›n™gJ“gW~W_T’³óÔåü¿gêՍPosted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:09:00 PST

Weekend Sake live in Sannomiya

Öí°gJå‰[WfD_ŠSåkjcf%kz~c_ÜånO]Wf]n~~åÜå‚ XˆFkOY‹Shkjc _Snå“gW_4@o ®hC:na‡Fi“O‰DëßÊê¨g jçEY0kB‹ åÓëÇ£ó° n ŽeãÛ üëga‡FiS“jXgW_‚chJ¢U“nDhMLKc_gYL K9LB‹hoDHnÎK jŠWoKM~W_mGWKW³ËU“...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:05:00 PST

Summer Sake Sannomiya gYÊå‚gY

(åkMšM~Wf³Ë‰U“Öëü¹Ïü× hnOÊå‚Y‹ShkjŠ~W_4@o X ®hC:n“ å ÓëÇ£ó° a‡Fi'8ntnS’ ®¹bxWLc_hSgY gB“oBK‰hBK‰gYSn4g o9ân #Áji’9ËY‹¤ÙóÈ’„cfDf]n °hWfnOgY³ËU“o9â(OgYng á¤ónJ—o Õ‚{“hk'}Mjå,R  nq...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:54:00 PST

This Afternoon ! %kÕ‹gY

ÊånBHåÝíÉðk‚efD_`D_Öëü¹Ïü×n³Ë‰U“K‰ûq YN_U“Ê宿ürQ‹ ºD~[“KmG ÊågYK ]FÊå XƒAÕg hDMjŠz~cfW~c_Õ‹HŒ15:30TK ‰h16:30TK‰n2Þlnˆš4@o ®n åÓëÇ£ó° ‚W‚ ®kJúKQn(‹LBŒp\rh‚J ËaÄŠO`UDsWD…¹jioå n...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 07:02:00 PST

Town of Osaka

(åoHŒK‰'*gì³üÇ£ó°nÕ‹LBŠ~Wf%j'èn-úKQfDM~W_Üü«ënì³üÇ£ó°`c_ ngYL]n)(¹Õo ,„j‚nhoUD~WfŸoQn…¹kˆŠãWfoDQjDShkjcfJŠ~Y‹õ g]nì³üÇ£ó°ohéOBcfW~DŸêïóƤ¯gBcfW~c_ngY nÕ‹~gB“LzDf W~c_ngEkå,KûûWxÄc...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:02:00 PST

!L¢Ã× New Song Updated

SSnhSên-g%ÀkÛŠ LcfMf‹MySpacegYLò~gó’Úü¸k¼ØQ‰Œ‹ˆFkjcfJŠ ~Wf]nFanò’ô°W~W_ Inzx ¢ëÕ¡¸ãÑ󎹀f! !LUfSnLotk‹W_ëï kB‹ ¢ëÕ¡¸ãÑ󎹀f! n!LgY!L’\cf{WDhn<’D_`M~Wf¹¿ÃÕn¹K‰n ‚ J:DWdd~_ëïhDF4@’‡Šk...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 07:49:00 PST

Tanabata festival / A Japanese Star Festival

aYN_/èn'ƈógoHå-n'‹÷è’ Œk…èoQ_‚n`hÝKkHfD~YWKWpåMK‰nS n‘U%ke_jAhDFX’×Q~YmÊåLågYK‰ŒåggYL¶g‚'Mj9’hDFKù gYm D_`M~WfXD‹’øDfþ‹ShkW~W_™kB‹JDaƒ“n¹nXD‹o ÎxKkjŠ_D h × üëL KkjŒ‹ˆFk gsnn...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 08:29:00 PST

Home Made Acoustic Guitar?

UfåMn‹g ®¿üûï¤óÀü j‹‚n’\c_qnhM !o,in®¿ügYm hDFT‹’D_`DfJŠ ~Wf D„]Œ`QoÕko! hÔ‹’W_‚nn]FDHpMk\c_ShLBc_ngT9ËD_W~Yo Pn|«Ðókv‰ LcfD~Y“SŒ¦¯ìì„jA“UH_******When I wrote in here about "Guitar Win...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:46:00 PST


(åo~_~_ÝíÉðLb}Kc_Ÿo9ân¹K‰åŠDnÖëü¹Ïü××ìüäLef UD~WfSn¹³Ë‰ U“hDF¹jngYLÊ~gpÞ`QWK‚]nÎÞ òZd`QT ÒU[fD_`O_oBc_ngYL(å fUò‚„‰[fD_`DfY“TDb}Kc_gY]WfÙü¹oDd‚JqkjcfD~Y·ó¸O“OnŒJ kjcfK‰Wsn¹L°ëü×gD‰...
Posted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:02:00 PST

K\Š ®¿üûï¤óÀü

nµo(åk¢Y‹Öí°o%j¹køM¼“gJŠ~YLÊÞo®¿ük¢Y‹igYnga‡chy%kSa‰k‚øM¼ “g~W_…èntŒ“ÊåoPosted by YN_X…“X (Junji Sugita) on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:30:00 PST