The Environment: A global responsibility and a reason for the North to learn from the South When looking at environmental footprints, we can see how some feet ..are too big. The African feet are small. Beautifully small. How come?La Maison Afrique would like the Fair Trade & Environment campaign to make people aware of the many environmentally friendly products made in Africa ? and at the same time reflect on the production and lifestyle in different parts of the world."The products in La Maison Afrique’s assortment are based on local, natural raw materials or recycling of otherwise polluting waste. The production is in all stages small scale and highly manual. The final products represent artistic and craft talent. They might be used for wearing, like hats and bags. The shopping baskets handcrafted of natural materials make very good, solid replacements for plastic bags. The car models made of beer- or Coco-Cola cans make good gifts; food-for-thought." Message from Mona Bengtsson at La Maison Afrique, see her pictures and the rest of her message at in the message section.
Everyone and anyone interested in Fair Trade!
To read messages from Fair Trade voices in the South and North visit the Message section of To find out about this year's events visit the Events section at!Kids Need Fair Trade! World Fair Trade Day 2007 visit for more information on last year's World Fair Trade Day.
This animation for showing the effects of fair trade and the use of pesticides on cotton crops.
Designed by Chris Haughton ( Animated by Marc wilson ( (less)
Postcard competition for World Fair Trade Day 2007 visit for more stories on the events that were organised for last years's World Fair Trade Day.
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This year's World Fair Trade Day theme is "Fair Trade + Environment". At the core of the Fair Trade system is the recognition that we live in a world of finite resources and fragile environments, to which the prevailing trade system is currently unaccountable. Fair Trade puts the valuing and protection of the natural environment squarely back on the agenda.Equally, Fair Trade values humanity. Fair Trade supports marginalised communities by creating much needed income generating opportunities, all the while assisting them in maintaining their light environmental footprints.Please visit the Fair Trade and Ecology section at the World fair Trade Day website to read about Fair Trade producers in Africa, Asia and Latin America as they share with us the characteristics of their environmentally friendly products and production methods and highlight the role these products play in protecting the environment.Also read Safia Minney's article on environmentally friendly production methods and how these present Fair Trade with an opportunity to expand Fair Trade sales and social impact in the South in the About World Fair Trade Day Section on the World Fair Trade Website at