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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Member Since: 04/10/2007
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Band Members:Toxic is Avi Aboresi solo project since 2003,born in israel. Toxic project which started in 2001 as aDark Metal influenced trance, invoulved into a powerfull dance trance music. his love to music stick outsince his childhood. and became the main branch in his life as a Dj,Prouducer,sound engineer. Toxic. hascollaborated with artists such as Azax Syndrome, , Abomination, Winter demon,Painkiller,Seroxat,Toasted,Psychotic micro... .Toxic. releases can be find in various labels: Time Code,Nutek, 3dvision, Acidance, Yabai, Pi,...and more . The effect and good energies to his music inspired hisimagination to create the first Album "Sabotage" by Yabai records.Phatmatix is Stephane Rault from Paris, France. An ex-guitar player in a rock band, , who was firstintroduced to psychedelic trance in the late 90's. Since then, he has been DJ'ing trance all around theglobe keeping his focus on powerful night time psychedelic sounds. After many long hours in the studio,Stephane developed a sound he could truly call his own. It was an instantsuccess, and he went on torelease his first track 'Diabolyk' on the Swiss label, Peak Records. Constantly in search of new ways ofexperimenting with sound, he joined Mechanik Sound Records and contributed his Psychedelic perceptions tothe Mechanik Castle compilation under the guise of several collaborative projects such as Los Diablos ,Chromatix, and Superpunk. In the last two years, he released successfull trax on famous labels likeTimecode, Acidance, Red cells,Noise Poison, Beyond logic and many more. Known for his addictivedancefloor sounds, Stephane has become one of the most sought after new psychedelic talents from France.
The dynamic and ever evolving sound of Phatmatix combines funky rhythmic beats with quirky FX andsupernatural atmospheres, creating an unpredictable contrast between the dark and light that keepsdoofers begging for more.
In 2006, he joins forces with Yabai Records from Japan and releases his debut album named Sorcery,amindblowing trip in the mystic tales of dungeons,dragons and worlds of twilight creatures,alreadyapproved on dancefloors around the globe.
Stephane is also involved in side project like Xtra unit with Triskell, and Mindcore with Digital Talk.
Twisted tunes are on the way !B-55 ************************************Barry Wynne aka Frozen Ghost is one of South Africa's freshest new talents. His crazy groove-orientatedsound has been blowing dancefloors away over the last three SA summers. After working on his sound for 18months, he hit the SA dancefloor early 2005 and since, has played at some of South Africa's biggestparties as well as 2 trips to Japan and Israel. This 24 yr old psytrance producer from Cape Town releasedhis debut album "Just One Bite" on Afrogalactic Rec in June 2006 and has a number of track releases todate on MMD Rec, Afrogalactic Rec and Yabai Rec. His side project "Dirty Motion" with Hiyarant is themeaner/darker side of both of them. Signed to Yabai Rec, they released "Lockdown" on Noize Conspiracy Recin May 2007 and "Retina Rehab" is out now on Yabai Rec - Matsuri ... Barry is also one third of Sworn,teaming up with Zion Linguist and Zigganaut these three have played at countless psyparties in SA theselast 3 summer seasons. Yabai Records Japan has recently signed Frozen Ghost to thier label and hasrecently released his 2nd album "Edible Technique" Expect loads more energy from Barry's music as heupgrades to 2.0Dirty Motion is Frozen Ghost and Hiyarant. This newly formed duo from "The Valley" Cape Town, SouthAfrica sure know how to rock the dancefloor! With new releases on Yabai Records and Noize ConspiracyRecords they are promising to give the dancefloor exactly what it's been lacking - Power!. These 2 aren'tholding back!!! Stuart "Hiyarant" will be releasing his debut album on MMD Records late 2007. DirtyMotion will be releasing their debut album on Yabai Records in April 2008.Digital Talk is Julien Fougea and Luc Achintre, electronic psy producers based in Paris, France. Sincechildhood, they have experimented with different aspects of music by playing accoustic instruments likepiano, guitar and drums. In 1994, they had their first psychedelic revelations in trance parties, theystarted djing and soon realised that they wanted to be a part of this musical journey by sharing theirown story with the dancefloors.
Three years before their current project was formed, they were involved with another band called"Droidsect" that released music on labels such as 3d Vision, Parvati and Nephilim records. Once Droidsectseparated, they come back with a new freaky project : Digital Talk.
after few fresh releases they launched their debut album "New Age Surf" in 2004 on Acidance Records andthen came up with lots of tracks on various compilations they make an effort to stay true to the originalspirit of psychedelic trance by creating holographic sounds layered on top of strong rhythmic beats tocreate an environment for spiritual and energetic dance especially designed for an optimal brain and bodyresponse.Lost & Found is the solo project of 24 year old Gerhard Olivier. This Cape Town based producer is fastestablishing himself as a serious international artist. After only a handful releases on South Africanlabels, he has already toured countries like Japan and Isreal. He has performed memorable live setsalongside some of the scene's biggest names like Absolum, Dino Psaras, Bliss, Sirius Isness, Cosmosis andRinkadink to name a few. The Lost & Found sound is a complex fusion of relentless groove, industrialpercussion, deep atmospheres, and searing leads. Its always hi-tech, and always driving... Expect to seesome major action from this artist in 2007...Considered to be one of the most consistent and original artists on the psychedelic scene, Scorb aka YodOnsen has been releasing music for over six years. The eponymous debut album released on Ambivalentrecords in 2003 gained him international attention and a slew of releases on international labels haveaffirmed his position as a leading producer on the scene. Tight arrangements, infectious hooks and a phatlow end typify the Scorb sound and the new album; "Ipso Fvcto" to be released this summer on Trick willshred heads the world over. In addition to Scorb, Yod has a number of side projects; The bone crunchingpsy-tech of RAM with Lek Black (NRS), The dark progressive leanings of Squid Inc. with Deviant Species'Santos De Castro, and Orzels Machine, a technobreakz outfit with Mike Rucinski. As if that weren'tenough, Yod is also a graphic designer, performing art and design duties for a number of labels,Including Ambivalent and LPS (Last Possible Solution).Lek Black is the English Producer behind the sound of NRS and manager of LAST POSSIBLE SOLUTION.
He has been producing cutting edge rance for the last 7 years
and his highly unique sound draws on many influences as diverse as punk, new
wave, acid house and hardcore. His second album "PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION"
re defines the sound of his generation. His style is dark, uncompromising and dangerous.RAM are the brilliant but troubled ex-model Lek Black (NRS), and the
talented but highly reclusive Yod Onsen (Scorb). The unreserved masters of
the UK Techno-Trance sound, their second album "KillerBites" re-defines the
sound of a generation. With a live Set this brutal, you know you need to
grab a beer and get on the dancefloor! Unbelievable.
Record Label: Yabai Records
Type of Label: Indie