.·´¯`·->JESS<-·´¯`·. profile picture


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About Me

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J Joyful
E Enjoyable
S Sexy
S Saucy
I Innocent
C Cute
A Awesome
By Dressupmyspace.ComLayout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts
HotFreeLayoutsUnLiKe SuM oF YoU LaMeZ oN HeA, Im NoT GoNNa TypE My wHoLe LiFe StOrY CuZ I Do HaVe A LiFe DaT DoeSnt ReVoLvE .....BeSiDeZ YoU PeOpLe DoNt rEaD DiZ cRaP N e WaYz...ViRgO= sYmBoLiZeS PuRiTy & MoDeStY. ViRgOs aRe ShY, MeTiCuLoUs, ReLiAbLe, DiLiGeNt & AnAlYtIcAl. As Do ThE OtHeR ZoDiAcS, ThEy AlSo PoSsEsE LeSs aPpEaLiNg TrAiTs: ThEy TeNd To bE OvErCrItIcAl, HaRsH, FuSsY & PeRfEcTiOnIsTiC.

My Interests

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Hip Hop, R&B, Reggeaton, Pop, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue.


Matilda,Blow,Crash,Coach Carter,The Pianist,Titanic,Love & Basketball.


Laguna Beach,American Idol,The Real World,The Hills, The Wire, My Wife & Kids,The Apprentice.

