F.I.B profile picture


About Me

It's hard to believe that a band with this much musical capability has only been together just 5 years. Formed in 2002 by vocalist Chuto and drummer Kenta, they spent their first few years playing mainly in their hometown Kyoto. However, since the release of "The Very Best of PIZZA OF DEATH" compilation last year, and the overwhelming reception of their offer "Are You Staning On", the band has been able to tour extensively across Japan. The impact of "Are You Standing On" has brought F.I.B extreme amounts of praise and admiration from fans and critics and has opened many doors for the band as well as helped to pave the road of anticipation for their upcoming debut mini album "Fill In The Blanks". F.I.B take full advatage of having a twin guitar approach and puts the two talented 6-stringers JJ and Pelori to work in every song from start to finish. Blending and blasting melodies and octaves like machine gun fire, this band is truly ahead of it's time and, with a combined age younger than any of their grandfathers, ahead of their years. Pizza Of Death's newest and youngest band is a rough stone that is now starting to shine little by little,.. F.I.B!
F.I.B の結成は5年前の 2002年までさかのぼる。 Vo. 中途とDr. 健太を中心にメンバーが集まり活動をスター ト。活動当初は地元・京都を拠点にライブを 行っていたが、昨年頭あたりから全国各地で そのサウンドを響かせ始めた。そして、彼ら の名前を一気に全国区に押し上げたのが VA "The Very Best of PIZZA OF DEATH" に収録されている "Are you standing on?" 。
無名の新人でありながらも、堂々と作品の2 曲目を飾ったその楽曲に多くの注目が集まり 、他の屈強のバンド達の楽曲を抑え作品のベ ストソングに挙げるリスナーが相次ぎ、単独 音源への期待が高まっていったのである。
たった1曲で多くの人々を振り向かせた F.I.B の魅力は何なのだろうか--何といっても楽曲㠁®è‰¯ã•ã«ä»–ならないが、他と明らかに違うの㠁¯éšæ‰€ã«ç››ã‚Šè¾¼ã¾ã‚ŒãŸç¾Žã—く、厚みのあるツ㠂¤ãƒ³ã‚®ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã®ã‚¢ãƒ³ã‚µãƒ³ãƒ–ルと、緻密に練り上㠁’られた楽曲ながらも複雑さを感じさせない㠃¡ãƒ­ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚»ãƒ³ã‚¹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚
そんな彼らの、まさに満を持してという言葉 がぴったり当てはまる初単独作品のミニアル バム"FILL IN THE BLANKS" が遂に完成!
いい意味で初単独作品という初々しさはなく 、まさに "Are You Standing On?"の時のように衝撃と賞賛を持って迎えら゠Œã‚‹ã§ã‚ろうこのミニアルバムを名刺代わりだ«ã€ã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒ³ã‚’引っかき回す存在となっていくだ§ã‚ã‚ã†ã€‚åŽŸçŸ³ã¯ã¤ã„ã«ã¾ã°ã‚†ã„å…‰ã‚Šã‚’æ”¾ã¡å§ ‹ã‚ãŸã®ã ã€‚
F.I.B 1st mini Album "FILL IN THE BLANKS"
photo by jon,meguppe and simisyo

My Interests


Member Since: 8/28/2007
Band Website: fib-21cnos.com/
Band Members: Chuto (Vo)
Kenta (Dr)
Whity (Ba)
JJ (Gt)
Pelori (Gt)

Sounds Like:

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Type of Label: Indie