I am an artist, a mother, a Numerologist , a friend, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a child sometimes, an author,and a human being with facets yet to be discovered.
My passion is Numerology.I actually discovered Numerology as a child. I suppose that makes me a geek of sorts but I spent my summers at the library and books were my way of escaping what could have been described as a sad childhood. I loved to read biographies and was fascinated by the stories of real people who came from humble beginnings to achieve greatness. I read the biographies of famous scientists, philosophers and the like. I also seemed to be interested in the metaphysical at an early age as I recall reading about Edgar Cayce and books on meditation.
One day I found a Numerology book in my hands and it was that book that helped explain how and why people reach their destinies. I guess you could say that moment in time, discovering a Numerology book, was a glimmer of my own personal destiny.
I have studied Numerology for what seems to be a lifetime. I have been doing professional readings for approximately 6 years now. I do readings for people all over the United States on a weekly basis. I have not only studied Numerology but also a wide range of Metaphysical subjects such as Palmistry, Astrology, Chakras, Meditation, Qigong, Reiki , Holistic Healing, Crystals and Mediumship to name a few. I have my Level I and II Reiki Certification. So the journey never ends.
Numerology is the ancient science of numbers. Names and numbers are symbols. The symbols found in your date of birth and name speak volumes about you. Numerology identifies your gifts and talents, your likes and dislikes and also the challenges and lessons to be learned along the journey of your lifetime. Numerology provides powerful insight into your destiny and helps you to understand the energy behind your life as well as the energy you bring to live it.
When it comes to self-enlightenment, Numerology helps you to understand yourself, your underlying motivations and validates who you are and why you are the way you are. It inspires you to learn self love and self acceptance. Most often a Numerology chart serves as an explanation for events in a person’s life. Certainly Numerology can bring you clarity about your life and your reason for being and offer guidance for the future.
I can not begin to express how meaningful a Numerology Reading can be especially if it is interpreted correctly. Understanding the flow of energy in a chart and what that means specifically for you, takes years of study, intuition and experience. Many Numerology sites give you a definition of your numbers but that hardly begins to touch upon the vast amount of information a Numerology Chart has to offer nor is the information ever interpreted. In my experience with clients, I have seen so much healing take place once a person truly understood who they are and what their destiny is. If ever there were instructions to life, Numerology would be the key.
Numerology not only identifies your abilities and talents but also the lessons and challenges your soul sought to experience during this journey we call life. Understanding your Numerology, simply put, validates your life experiences. Understanding yourself, puts you on the path for your greatest achievements.
It is my deepest intention and greatest joy to be able to help people through my knowledge of Numerology.Email:
[email protected]
Website: www.VisibleByNumbers.com
--------------------Recently, in the past couple of months, I found myself prompted to surf the web in search of spiritual philosophy links, and "low and behold," I arrived at BBS Radio, the only radio station to focus its content solely on the teaching/learning and healing/enlightenment of the human family at an unmatched level in talk-radio history. Serendipity, was a word I rarely used, least of all, had "experienced," until I happened to tune in to BBS Radio when a program named, "Visible by Numbers" was on(hosted by Alyson Baughman). Numerology, is a spiritual science/art that I never gave the respect heretofore that it truly, truly deserved, until I was graced by a follow-up reading/report by Alyson Baughman. Indeed, from the reading's/report's onset, I quickly discovered that "I" was being read and advised by an unbelievably gifted psychic channel, who apparently used numbers as "tools" to the gateway of the etheric realms. I must admit that I have been read by some of the best spiritualists, channels, and psychics in NYC. However, Alyson's insights, revelations, and guidance was mind-boggling. And after the reading/report had ended, I felt like a void inside of me had been filled; filled with clarity, strength, more confidence and just an over-all "understanding" that remains indelible upon my heart(it's hard to word this emotionally fulfilling experience)--So, I will keep it succinct: If one can imagine, the spirit having been beaten out of himself or herself, and then to have it return at unawares in a chance meeting, fraught with sacred understanding of why it "appeared" to leave in the first place, then one might grasp the value that Alyson Baughman's reading/report had for me. In all, I thank BBS Radio for the gift of this special host(with these extraordinary powers and gifts). Most Sincerely, Gordon, NY, NY----------------------------------------------------------
----------------------Visible by Numbers show is an incredible asset to BBS Radio. Alison is a true professional and expert in the field of numerology.. In today’s show 7-6-06 I was totally impressed and made aware of each year means ( in terms of numerology) and what I need to look forward to. Thank you BBC radio in allowing your listener to have such a true professional Alison Baughman. Yours truly Rosa--------------------------------------------------------
------------------------"Life is a test..it is only a test. Had this been a real life , you would have been instructed where to go and what to do."
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