JenBAdo Well you were talking soda pop -You were talking quite a lot - The opinions that I do not give are t
- Age:
- 29 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Westminster, California
- Country:
- United States
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

Black'n Bart
- Age:
- 38 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Smokeland Hills, California
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

The Keith(wich), revered by all ...why can't we see when we bleed we bleed the same.
- Age:
- 19 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends

mocha[♥]reyes you spin me right round like a record baby
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- Pacific Islander
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Not Sure
- Body:
- More to love!
- Here For:
- Friends

- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- Other
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Gay / Lesbian
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends, Networking

Erin My beautiful niece is here!!!!!!!!!!!
- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Two Mile House, Naas, Kildare
- Country:
- Ireland
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Married
- Orientation:
- Straight

Add me on /Severityofyourdisdain thanks! We understand my pain, from this I gather strength
- Age:
- 27 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- More to love!
- Here For:
- Friends

The Brad
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends

- Age:
- 101 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Nürnberg, Bayern
- Country:
- Germany
- Status:
- Single
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends, Networking